
Walking Canes & Hiking Staves – Canes Galore
Canes Galore have a large variety of walking cane seats and seat stickstyles. Whether you are Big & Tall or Small & Petite, we will have onejust for you or one that can be cut for you. Our Hiking Staffs and Walking CaneProducts are perfect for pleasure or everyday use. Be sure to check out ournovelty canes for some fun items to add to your collection. They range fromFlask Canes, mens walking sticks, Sword Canes, or some that are more unique.
We have a wide selection of beautiful hiking staffs, sticks, poles, andcanes for you to choose from. We also feature a great collection of rusticwalking sticks plus telescopic canes, folding trekking poles, and Shepherd’sCrooks. Some of these hiking staffs, sticks and poles have a Combi-Spike tipwhile others are constructed with a normal metal tip for rough terrain; allcome with a rubber tip. Looking for a specific length? All of our hikingstaffs, sticks, poles, and canes are available in various lengths.