
The report is updated with thelatest impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic on the market. The pandemic hasdrastically altered the market dynamics and trends and demands. It has alsodisrupted the supply chain and generated financial difficulties. The reportcovers the comprehensive effect of the pandemic on the industry and offers aninitial and future impact assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic onthe Veterinary Vaccines Market business sphere.
The latest market study, VeterinaryVaccines Market blends in qualitative and quantitative research techniques topresent vital data on the competitive landscape for the period of 2020 - 2027.Thisresearch allows the business owners/individuals/ stakeholders to collectdecisive information about market segmentation based on product category, usageand sale volume across the various geographical regions. Business stakeholderscan prepare effective expansion plan by using the statistics on market share,size and the growth rate discussed in the report, for the forecast period of2020 - 2027.Unmatched information on past, present and upcoming market trends coveredin the study offer lucidity on the future projection of the industry.
KeyHighlights of Report
In January 2020, Automazioni VX, Inc. entered into acooperative agreement with Merck Animal Health, a division of Merck KGaA. Thecollaboration was aimed to launch Innoject Pro, a uniquely developed technologyfor subcutaneous injection vaccination of chicken. The technology can beutilized in conjunction with the Innovax vaccine by Merck Animal Health, whichis used to safeguard poultry from bacterial infections.
The poultry segment is expected to lead the globalveterinary vaccines market throughout the forecast period, expanding at a CAGRof 7.0%. The increased need for risk-free pet food, associated with a growingfocus on developing new animal protection approaches, is estimated to drive thesegment during the forecast period.
The injection segment is projected to retain the largestmarket share throughout the forecast period. Growth of the segment isattributable to increasing use of injection vaccines for protection of animalhealth. Injection vaccines play a crucial role in preventing and controllingthe dissemination of disease outbreaks in both farm animals and livestock.
Throughout the forecast period, the inactivated segment isexpected to dominate the market for veterinary vaccines. Inactivated vaccinesare free from bacteria and suitable for rehabilitation, except in case ofimmunocompetent patients. These vaccines are usually compressed, which makestheir shipping and preserving simple.
Due to growing prevalence of viral infections amonglivestock, including the Nipah virus infection, avian influenza, canineinfluenza, swine flu, and bird flu, the viral segment is expected to lead themarket during the forecast period.
North America is expected to dominate the global market forveterinary vaccines during the forecast period, due to rising incidence ofanimal diseases and growing population of pets in the U.S.
Key market participants include Zoetis Inc., Bayer AG,Virbac SA, Merck KGaA, Eli Lilly and Company, Phibro Animal Health Corporation,Elanco Animal Health Incorporated, Aptimmune Biologics Inc., DechraPharmaceuticals PLC, and Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A.
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North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany,France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan,China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil,Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (SaudiArabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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