
In order to get a refund, you need to get to the refund option and apply for the transaction that you need to get a refund for. However, if you’re unable to get a Cash App refund, then, in that case, you can check about the terms and conditions of the product. For more information regarding the issue, you can get support from the app’s customer care. https://www.market-place.biz/cash-app-customer-service/
Unable to get a Cash App refund? Get support.
In order to get a refund, you need to get to the refundoption and apply for the transaction that you need to get a refund for.However, if you’re unable to get a Cash App refund, then,in that case, you can check about the terms and conditions of the product. Formore information regarding the issue, you can get support from the app’scustomer care.