
Best Electricians in Toronto
Electricity costs money and there is no way to get around this. Canadians know that they have to budget a certain amount for electricity, and they know that in winter their electrical costs are going to be high.
There are ways to lower your electricity bill. We chatted to our licensed best electricians in Toronto who passed on these top tips to lower your electricity bills.
Go Solar where possible
Canadian winters are harsh and it’s almost impossible to go purely solar. A good electrician will tell you that you can go partially solar. Solar is expensive to put in, but once in, you recoup your costs fairly quickly. Look at having dual systems – electrical and solar.
Get rid of your old fluorescent lighting
A licensed electrician Toronto can come in, remove all your old fluorescent lighting, dispose of it safely and responsibly, and replace your lights with LED lighting that looks good, is cost effective and does not reap havoc on the environment.
Switch things off
Change your habits. When you leave the bedroom, switch off the lights. When you’re not using the kettle, switch it off at the power outlet. Same with the television. If you are not watching it, it does not need to be on. All these things add up and will save you money.
Have an electrical assessment
Ask your licensed electrician Toronto to come in and assess your systems. You may just find you are working on old fashioned systems that are hugely expensive. Homes today are built with electrical systems that are environmentally friendly and user friendly. Yours may just need a good service, a bit of refurbishment and / or an overhaul.
If you want to save money, and Canadian winters are giving you anxiety, ask Dynamic Electric with branches all over Toronto, to give your home or office, an electrical assessment.