
LiDARis an advanced technology used for measuring the distance ranges. LiDARtechnology is widely promoted by the automotive sector due to its accuracy. Dueto this the demand for LiDAR manufacturers has increased at global level.
Accordingto GlobalLiDAR Manufacturers’ Market Report, this market was valued at USD 1060.4 million in 2019. As the demand is growingwith every passing business quarter, it is projected to reach USD 3007.85 million by2027. As per the detailedinvestigation of Verified market Research experts, the market value of leadingLiDAR manufacturers is growing at a CAGR of 16.52% from 2020 to 2027.
What is LiDAR technology?
LiDARcan also be defined as light detection and ranging or laser imaging detectionand ranging. LiDAR technology is a remote sensing method in which light is usedin the form of a laser to measure variable distances to the earth.
Thistechnology is one of the most advanced in the automotive sector. The chiefLiDAR manufacturers are credited for building the most unique technology.Basically, it is considered as a combination of 3D scanning and laser scanning.Thus, the technology built by major LiDAR manufacturers can also be defined as3D laser scanning.
Prominently,LiDAR technology is classified into three types Solid-State LiDAR, AirborneLiDAR, and Terrestrial LiDAR. LiDAR technology provides various benefits suchas the ability to capture a large amount of area in a relatively small amountof time. LiDAR manufacturers have made this technology to give out accurateresults in less time. Thus saving a lot of time.
Primarycomponents of the LiDAR system are the scanner, laser and GPS receiver. Thesecomponents are installed in the LiDAR system to collect data and analyze it.This has helped the top LiDAR manufacturers to come into the spotlight atglobal level. The masterpiece manufacturers by leading LiDAR manufacturers arelargely being incorporated by private organizations and the government uses.They are increasingly being installed in helicopters, airplanes and drones foracquiring LiDAR data.
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Top 7 LiDAR manufacturers in theworld
Hexagon is on a bold missionto automate the future. It is using LiDAR technology to boost efficiency,productivity, and quality across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure,safety, and mobility applications. Hexagon is working on building a scalableand sustainable future for its consumers. Loaded with years of experience, theSwedish company has proven numerous times that it is capable of empowering anautonomous future.
Velodyne LiDAR is an Americanorganization that was founded in 1983. This business enterprise providessmart, powerful lidar solutions for autonomous vehicles, driver assistance,delivery solutions, robotics, navigation and mapping. It is known for itscost-effective sensing solutions. Its product portfolio is employed by almost everyleading global automotive original equipment manufacturer.
SICK is a German businessenterprise founded in 1946. Sick’s high-rated sensors are used by leadingindustry players for factory automation, logistics automation and processautomation. It is the face of the LiDAR manufacturers’ market. Its products’quality is certified and is in accordance with international standards.
TopconPositioning Systems
Topcon Positioning Systems is driven by theideology to offer effective solutions to its global customers. The Americancompany has made its name in the sensor market. Topcon is famousfor designing and manufacturing precision positioning equipment andsolutions. Its equipment is used for a wide variety of applications acrossdiverse industries such as construction, agriculture, mapping and geographicinformation systems. It offers an extensive range of products and services to meetthe demands of the market.
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Trimble is pioneering thefuture of data intelligence, converging people, product, and place. It isacting as a bridge between existing offerings and the market problems. Trimbleis known for building cutting-edge technology that is supported by state-of-the-artR&D divisions.
Teledyne Optech is a Canadianbusiness for-profit company operating since 1974. Teledyne is widelyrecognized for its technological depth in lidar and related technologies, withdecades of experience in lidar and photogrammetry. It is one of the leadingmembers of the global LiDAR manufacturers’ market.
REIGL offers powerfulsolutions for multiple fields of application in surveying. It has emerged asone of the most trusted brands in the list of leading LiDAR manufacturers.REIGL is committed to delivering the highest performance, quality, reliability,and longevity with the help of its products and services.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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