
1. Wordpress Seo Yoast plugin. Install and configure this fantastic plugin written by the famous WordPress developer Joost de Valk. WordPress SEO is actually a combination of several older Mandiri Joost plugins and some new functionality.
Besides allowing you to determine the title HTML and the description of Meta for your post, WordPress SEO lets you configure your meta robot data correctly, generate XML map maps, clean the HTML <head> section, add breadcrumbs to the post and page and more.
Alternatives for Joost plugins include headspace 2 and all-in-one-seo, but not the same as this one plugin and general wisdom is that fewer plugins you have, the better.
2. Urban Giraffe Redirection Plugin. This plugin is used to manage your 301 redirect and track 404 of your mistakes. The first is needed so that you maintain the URL that is first indexed by the search engine and maintains any page rank they have and provided for your other link.
404 (or not found) an error can spell disaster for webmasters, and you have to save a close track from this so you can fix it or redirect the damaged URL quickly.
3. Include the description of the category. To utilize additional 'love' search engines, if your theme or some plugins do not include this function, include the following code to your category page. Php: <? PHP ECHO CATEGORY_DESPRIPTION ();> and edit each of your categories through the WordPress administration interface to have a rich description of keywords.
It not only gives your readers a better idea about your category archive page, but also informs the search engine.
4. Change your permalink structure. Update the permalink structure (settings -> permalinks) and select or enter a minimal specific structure including slug post. For example: /% postname% /
It updates your URL to enter keywords (not just numbers) which are also preferred by search engines.
5. Use the caching plugin. Although this has never been a problem before 2010, the site's speed is now important for at least some search engines (especially Google). So for this reason, use a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. Both will speed up the site for your visitors.
Remember, that while these tips will run far to improve your site in search engine eyes, you must continue to do additional research to determine what methods and techniques you should use to optimize your SEO WordPress/blog. You can get to know about WordPress Map Plugins and HTTP To HTTPS Migration via visiting online.