
Nextgeneration sequencing basically involves deep sequencing of DNA. This DNAtechnology has helped scientists across the globe to study the entire humangenome. This evolutionary gnome technology was introduced to the world bynext-generation sequencing companies.
Thislatest medical technology allows lab technicians to edit the entiregenome. This technology, built by next-generation sequencing companies, helpsscientists to study the biological systems at a very minute level. Thistechnology helps the medical industry to study about the genes of a particulartype of cancer.
What is next-generationsequencing?
Next-generationsequencing (NGS) is a term that describes DNA sequencing technology which hasrevolutionized genomic research. Nowadays, there are various types of NGSplatforms that use sequencing technologies (that are made by leading nextgeneration sequencing companies).
Allthe next-generation sequencing companies perform sequencing of millions ofsmall fragments of DNA in parallel. To sequence entire genomes next-generationsequencing can be used.
Thenext-generation sequencing can also be used for sequencing genomes withspecific areas of interest. This includes all 20000 coding genes or smallnumbers of individual genes. Next-generation sequencing companies allowcapturing a broader spectrum of mutations as compared to Sanger sequencing.
Asper the research done by Verified Market Research experts, this market’s valuewas USD7.02 billion in 2019. Its value is projected to reach USD 28.11 billion by2027.From market statistics mentioned in the Global Next-GenerationSequencing Companies’ Market Report, it can be inferred that it isgrowing at a CAGR of 20.43% from 2020 to 2027.
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Top 10 next-generation sequencingcompanies in the world
Illumina uses the latest lifesciences tools to study the various variations and functions of the humangenome. It is one of the leading American companies that aims to offersolutions that are not only innovative, but flexible, and scalable as well.
Agilent Technologies is an Americananalytical instrumentation development and manufacturing company. It wasfounded in 1999. It regularly delivers trusted solutions and medical insightsfor improving the lives of people across the globe.
Bio-Rad Laboratories is an Americanmultinational founded in 1952. It is a well-known name in the medical industryas its products are known to advance the discovery process andimprove healthcare. It is one of the biggest next-generation sequencingcompanies in the world.
ThermoFisher Scientific
ThermoFisher Scientific has the biggest network of sales, spanning across all thecontinents. It is one of the most active responders in terms of cancer-relatedtreatments. With its R&D division, best in next-generation sequencingcompanies’ segment, it helps medical personnel unlock human body’scomplex molecular profile.
Qiagen is one of thefastest growing next-generation sequencing companies at international level.The German company is the most flexible brand in the segment. It continues toprovide the best solutions for complex medical problems.
PerkinElmer is steering the pathtowards a healthier future for all individuals across the globe. Thisenterprise has pioneered scientific technologies for better detection,imaging, and informatics.
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Roche serves patients withpersonalized healthcare. The swiss company was founded in 1896. Since itsinception, the company has come up with revolutionary methods to solve thecomplexities of nature. It is one of the oldest yet largest next-generationsequencing companies. Also, this company is listed on the Swiss StockExchange.
BGI Group is a Chinese medicalcompany. It is known for its rapid turnaround time. The company deliversquality genomic data and genetic testing solutions to scientists across theglobe. BGI is on a mission to serve a new level of data clarity andaffordability in genome research.
Pacific Biosciences is an Americanbiotechnology company founded in 2004. Its in-house powerful technology is usedto transform the understanding of biological systems. All of its systemsutilize real-time analysis of biomolecules with single-molecule resolution. Itdelivers the most finest and accurate results in the genome researchindustry.
OxfordNanopore Technologies
Oxford NanoporeTechnologies has built the sole nanopore DNA sequencer, the ‘MinION’.The ‘MinION’ is a portable, real time, long-read, low cost device that intendsto support investigations of biological systems. It is the only enterprise inthe list of next-generation sequencing companies that has received many awardsacross the globe. Its exploration tools can be used for training purposes orcan be used for a scope of applications like observing microorganisms.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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