
Cannabidioloil (a.k.a. CBD oil) is a form of cannabinoid that was discovered in the1940s. Since then it has been used for many medical purposes. But it’s truevalue has been realized in recent times only. Currently, CBD oil is beingrecommended by medical personnel for treating anxiety and related disorders.Changing lifestyles and growing anxiety-related cases at global level arepushing the demand for the top CBD oil companies at international level.
CBD oil – A form of cannabisextracted for medical purposes
CBDoil companies are producing this oil to help patients fight against pain,anxiety and nausea. CBD oil is a clinically proven method to help people infalling asleep and staying asleep. Due to its increasing popularity across theglobe, the CBD oil companies are selling the highly demanded products online aswell as offline.
Itmust be noted that cannabidiol oil is extracted from cannabis. Thus, leading tothe mainstream adoption of cannabis at the global stage. Also, the healthrelated advantages are pushing the demand for CBD oil companies.
Withmany ongoing research projects around cannabis, many countries are consideringlegalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Due to legal hurdles, theCBD oil companies had a dull start. But now they are increasingly becomingpopular across all the continents.
Thishas encouraged the leading CBD oil companies to launch a new line ofcannabidiol-based products for its global consumers. According to the GlobalCBD Oil Market Report, this market was valued at USD 440 million in 2018. High demand for productsfrom CBD oil companies is showing positive signs of growth.
VerifiedMarket Research analysts used market indicators to study the entire market.Analysts came to the conclusion that this market’s overall value willreach USD4384 million by 2026. Thus, the global growth rate is equal to a CAGR of 33.12% from 2019to 2026.
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Top 10 CBD oil companies in theworld
CV Sciences was established in2010. The American company is on a mission to improve the patients; livesacross the globe using the diffusion of science and nature. It is the firstbusiness association in the CBD oil companies’ segment to achieve GRAS safetystatus at global level.
ENDOCA is the leading CBDoil manufacturer of finest and purest quality CBD oil. It is the first brand inthe list of CBD oil companies that started selling CBD oil online. The Europeanenterprise offers superior quality hemp extracts to its global consumers.
Bluebird Botanicals is known for deliveringnatural and the most effective ways to tackle medical problems. Since itsinception, the company has worked on increasing its products’ reach at globallevel. The American organization has received a number of awards overconsecutive years – highest in CBD oil companies’ market.
Isodiol International is a Canadiancompany that started its operations in 2014. Isodiol is known for producingindustrial hemp derivatives that are used by the global medical industry. Thecompany has pioneered many firsts in the CBD oil companies’ segment. Thispublicly traded company got the highest approval for its product in the medicalindustry. Its product became the first CBD that was designated as an ActivePharmaceutical Ingredient (for finished pharmaceutical products – FPPs).
MedicalMarijuana Inc.
Medical Marijuana Inc. is the world’s firstlegal supplier of CBD. The American company is dedicated to building thehighest quality CBD products for achieving healthier existence for its endconsumers. Medical marijuana is the first publicly traded marijuana company in theAmerican market.
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Aurora Cannabis has introduced manyhigh-rated products for the medical industry. It is one of the major CBD oilcompanies that regularly challenges the status quo of the global medical system.Loaded with world-class R&D division, the Canadian brand is paving the wayfor a new era of medical cannabis.
CBDAmerican Shaman
CBD American Shaman’s CBD oil is derived fromnatural, high quality industrial hemp. Following the best industry standards,the American CBD oil company uses the latest nanotechnologies. The companyutilizes top quality hemp to produce CBD oil for masses.
CanopyGrowth Corporation
Canopy Growth Corporation is a Canadiancompany founded in 2014. This CBD oil company has the biggest portfolio ofproducts. It is pacing towards getting listed on the Canadian StockExchange.
Elixinol CBD blends coconut oilwith CBD oil to boost delivery and efficacy. Elixinol majorly operates in NorthAmerican markets. All of its products are gluten-free with zero harsh solvents.
IrieCBD uses a naturallyenhanced formula to produce the best quality CBD oil for its global consumers.The American brand offers a wide spectrum of products and services forsupporting medical treatments in the best way possible.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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