
Tomato isconsidered one of the healthiest food, containing antioxidants, vitamins andtrace minerals. Tomato puree is a thick liquid made by removing the stems andleaves of tomato, which is then mashed with or without the skin being removedto reach a desired consistency. Tomato puree has a thicker consistency whichconstitutes the major difference between tomato sauces and puree. The puree hasa profound flavor and is widely used for adding flavor. Tomato puree is usedfor flavor purposes in soups, stews, sauces, or any other dish. Canned tomatopuree can be easily found in supermarkets and other food stores.
Tomatopuree is not just used for its flavor but for its nutritive value as well.Tomato is considered to be a rich source of lycopene which helps in reducingfree radicals. Tomato puree extract contains antioxidants including lycopene,beta-carotene, vitamin E and other phytonutrients, which is associated withreducing blood pressure and improved immune function. Tomato puree is rich inVitamin C, which is known for its immune enhancing properties. These healthbenefits are often been branded by marketers using tomato puree in the finishedproducts
Tomato Puree Market Segmentation
Tomatopuree is segmented on the basis of source, distribution channel and region. Onthe basis of source it is segmented as organic, conventional. The organictomato puree has gained significant attention from health conscious consumerand manufacturers have also incorporated organic purees in the final product,this is subsequently acting as a driving tool for the tomato extract marketgrowth
Based ondistribution channel tomatopuree market is segmented as, hypermarkets/supermarkets, online stores,convenience stores and other retail formats. Sales from supermarkets in Europehas witnessed growth in recent years, this is due to influx of private labelbrands.
On thebasis of region the tomato puree is segmented into Asia Pacific, North America,Japan Western Europe and Middle East. Countries such as China, India, U.S andTurkey are some of the major producers of tomatoes globally. Tomato pureemarket is expected to witness a high growth rate in the Western European regionattributed to its establishment of high end processing industries. The tomatopuree market in Japan is also expected to represent an expansion in the marketgrowth in the forecast period. The countries in the south eastern regions suchas Maldives, Myanmar, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Philippines etc. have shownsizeable growth in food products manufacturing industrial sector, creating animmense demand for raw material and have created supply driven demand forfinished food products. Tropical fruit purees are being packed under privatelabel and are being sold at competitive prices.
Tomato Puree Market Trends and Market Drivers:
Tomatopuree is an important product because of its wide use in numerous value-addedproducts are produced including tomato juice, paste, strained tomato pulp,ketchup, pasta, pickles and pizza sauces, salsa, gravies, ready-to-eat curriesand tomato-based powder products. Processed tomato products have wideapplications in the household, food processing industry, snacks foods, hotels,restaurants and fast food retail chains. Moreover pulp producers as well asvalue-added product processers are more robustly developing networks withfarmer groups and adoption of contract farming. These factors are expected toact as synergizing elements for the growth of global tomato puree market.Online product advertisement and social media influence is also expected toaccount for certain impact on growth of tomato extract market in the forecastperiod.
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Tomato Puree Market Key Players:
Some ofthe global market players manufacturing tomato puree market include; GallaFoods, Doehler Gmbh., Kiril Mischeff Group, Exotic Fruits Pvt. Ltd., ChinaKunyu Industrial Co.,Ltd., Aditi Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd., Capricorn FoodProducts India Ltd., Riviana Foods Inc.
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