
TIACA announces sustainability roadmap for air cargo industry
The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) has published the industry’s first Air Cargo Sustainability Roadmap, as a part of its sustainability agenda.
This comprehensive publication is designed to support the air cargo industry through what will be a period of transformation. Released to coincide with COP26 discussions, the roadmap illustrates the role air cargo stakeholders are playing today and will continue to play going forward.
“As we look ahead to the post-Covid world, we fully expect the topic of sustainability to be a significant driver of future industry success. We anticipate it will become our license to operate with industry customers and business partners demanding excellence in all aspects of sustainable performance; therefore, the time to act is now,” stated Glyn Hughes, Director General, TIACA.
The roadmap examines the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and maps how air cargo contributes to their attainment. The value of air cargo is proudly showcased, and indications of where we need to go from here are also covered.
It provides practical guidance in the form of 30 actionable priorities addressing 8 key areas;
1. Decarbonization
2. Elimination of waste
3. Protecting biodiversity
4. Supporting local economies and communities
5. Improving lives and well-being
6. Improving efficiencies and profitability
7. Attracting, retaining, and developing employees
8. Building and nurturing partnerships
Click here for the roadmap details.
Consistent with TIACAs three P’s approach to sustainability, focusing on People, Planet and Prosperity, the Roadmap also details the role the association will play to support the industry in the drive for sustainable transformation; namely supporting in four key areas;
1. Advocating for supportive industry regulations and recognition from governments of the vital role air cargo plays to support the global society and the global economy
2. Supporting Members as they progress with their sustainability transformation journey
3. Recognizing and highlighting inspirational excellence and showcasing members success
4.Providing a platform where the industry can celebrate achievements and create a diverse and inclusive workforce with enhanced opportunities for all
“The latest deliverable in the TIACA sustainability portfolio also comprises annual surveys, industry report card, an awards program, training, and people development initiatives, with even more things in the pipeline. The Board sees this as a critical priority, and we are pleased to support our members and the wider air cargo community with tools and materials,” stated Steven Polmans, Chairman, TIACA.
(Photo Credit: TIACA)
Current Issue - October 2021