
The discussion between iPhone and Android fans over which is thebetter device is not going to end. Both ends have their valid points,concerning the security and the encryption of the iPhone users to custom andthe Google Assistant skills in the Android. So most of them have valid pointsand reasonable arguments. There are several other features that Androids havean iPhone do not have yet, including setting the default apps as well as usinga group of apps at a similar time to entirely replace the customize look of thephone. Here is the list of things that Android users can, but iPhone userscan’t. Go through the blog to get the idea of it.
Use Apss YouLike Not what Google Wants
A capability to set the Gmail email app as a default on theiPhone is somewhat that iOS users asking Apple to insert the feature for years.Though Apple inserted the choice to remove their apps from the iOS, you stillcannot situate the default app. For instance, Androids allow you to set Operaand Firefox as the default or set the Message app of Google as a messaging appof selection to take benefits of the RCS; Google’s currently introduced thechat feature that is similar to the Apple’s iMessage.
Android users have always set to the default apps from thestart. It is not at all difficult to view which apps are not labelled asdefault and if you need to change the default app, then you can follow theprovided steps:
- Launch the Settings app.
- Navigate to the Apps and notifications.
- Click on the Default apps option.
GoogleAssistant for Being Great
iPhone users have Siri, but Android offers the Google Assistant.Google Assistant voice is a much more reliable and elegant tool in comparisonto Apple’s Siri for several reasons. Still, the essential thing is that itcreates a great database of Google. It can get the ordinary request for namesand businesses and performs the request mostly right than wrong. It alsorejects the high-quality response moving from the Search, whereas Siri does nothave access. It also strongly integrates with the other phone’s function tonotify you at what time you are having your meeting or alert about the trafficwhich is on your way.
Users Can Use 2Apps at Time Using Split Screen Mode
Although iPadOS 13 allows several apps at the same time,iOS 13 and iPhone do not. However, Android users have the feature to usesplit-screen apps from 2016 through the release of Android 7.0 Nougat. Anability to use two apps together is useful if you want to look for the contactnumbers to share with the Facebook messenger or if you have to reference thedetails in the file when writing an email. It is surprising why Apple has notfeatured it on the iPhone. However, it has to do with the size of the window onthe iPhone’s small screen in comparison to the iPad.
Customize theScreen the Way You Like
Apple’s access to the display is to locate the entire installedapps in the rigid grid across several pages. Mostly the Android devices havedouble-pronged access by giving the display and the app drawer. The screen doesnot carry the grid layout, which permits you to situate the apps wherever youlike. Both of them allow you to make folders to add a group of apps.
Use Launchersto Customize the Phone Completely
Launchers are the essence of Android customization. Such appsallow you to entirely modify how you deal with a display, an app drawer, andapp tabs on the device. Using the launcher on the Android device permits you tocustomize mostly each aspect of the device behaviour and looks, making thedevice more private. Launchers, including Microsoft’s Launcher, Nova Launcher,Action Launcher, or Apex Launcher, all have different roles and features on theAndroid device.
Tim Cross is from Ohio USA. Before he startedwriting blogs he went through various occupations such as teaching, programmingand travelling. But his favorite job is writing blogs for antivirus technologyfor
source : AndroidUsers