
Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is considered to be a transformativeapproach to selectively eliminate disease-causing proteins; over time, thisupcoming class of small molecules has generated significant enthusiasm withinthe medical community
Roots Analysis is pleased toannounce the publication of its recent study, titled, “Targeted Protein Degradation Market,2021-2030.”
The report features an extensive study of the currentmarket landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoption of thesetherapies over the next decade. It features an in-depth analysis, highlightingthe capabilities of various stakeholders engaged in this domain. In addition toother elements, the study includes:
§ Adetailed assessment of the current market landscape of drug developers engagedin the development of targeted protein degradation-based therapeutics.
§ Anoverview of the overall landscape of target protein degradation enablingtechnologies.
§ Detailedprofiles of prominent players engaged in the development of targeted proteindegraders (shortlisted on the basis of phase of development of pipelineproducts).
§ Anin-depth analysis of completed, ongoing and planned studies of various targetedprotein degraders.
§ Adetailed analysis of grants that have been awarded to various researchinstitutes for targeted protein degradation projects, in the period between2017 and 2020.
§ Adetailed publication analysis peer-reviewed, scientific articles that have beenpublished between 2017 and Q3 2019, highlighting the research focus within theindustry.
§ Aninsightful analysis of the patents filed / granted for targeted proteindegradation enabling technologies, since 2018.
§ Alist of key opinion leaders (KOLs) within this domain, and their assessment(based on the strength and activeness) represented in the form of 2×2 matrices.
§ Ananalysis of the partnerships that have been established in this domain, duringthe period 2014-2020.
§ Ananalysis of the investments in the form of seed financing, venture capitalfinancing, debt financing, grants / awards, initial public offerings (IPOs) andsubsequent offerings, made at various stages of development of the companiesengaged in this field.
§ Adetailed deal structure analysis, highlighting cash flows and net presentvalues of licensor and licensee, taking into consideration multiple likelyscenarios of upfront, milestone and royalty payments.
§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)
- Type of Protein Degrader
§ Degronimids
§ SpecificBET and DUB inhibitors
§ Otherinhibitors
- Therapeutic Areas
§ OncologicalDisorders
§ NeurologicalDisorders
§ OtherTherapeutic Areas
- Route of Administration
§ Oral
§ Intravenous
§ OtherRoutes
- Key Geographical Region
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacificand the Rest of the World
Transcriptsof interviews held with following senior level representative of stakeholdercompanies:
§ Laura Itzhaki, Founder and ChiefScientific Officer, Polyprox Therapeutics
§ Louise Bergeron, Vice President,Xios Therapeutics
§ Martin Wiles, Vice PresidentBusiness Development and Licensing, Almac Discovery & Gerald Gavory,Director of Biology, Almac Discovery
§ Jason Brown, Scientific andBusiness Development Director, Ubiquigent
§ Anonymous, Director of OncologyResearch, Large Company
§ Anonymous, Chief ScientificOfficer, Very Small Company
§ Paul Wallace, Chief BusinessOfficer, Mission Therapeutics
§ Katrin Rittinger, Research GroupLeader, Francis Crick Institute
§ Zhihao Zhuang, AssociateProfessor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware
Keycompanies covered in the report
§ Radius Health
§ Celgene
§ Sanofi Genzyme
§ AstraZeneca
§ Arvinas
§ BioTheryX
§ Captor Therapeutics
§ C4 Therapeutics
§ Genentech
§ Hinova Pharmaceuticals
§ Kangpu Biopharmaceuticals
§ Kymera Therapeutics
§ Mission Therapeutics
§ Progenra
§ Zenopharm
Formore information please click on the following link:
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About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing marketresearch companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at
Contact Information
Roots Analysis Private Limited
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415