
Telemedicine has truly altered the administration of healthcare treatment. It is simply the utilization of audio-visual media to exchange clinical information for consultation, diagnosis, training, and even remote medical procedures engagements.
This is the ideal fit for the busy surroundings and life today. This technological aspect of healthcare is rapidly developing, and it's only a matter of time before it becomes more widespread. Video conferencing enables a patient to see a medical specialist at another location.
The patient and physician encounter occurs in real-time, similar to a live broadcast. Tools have been developed that allow the physician to evaluate cardiac monitoring, vital signs, etc. Otoscopes and stethoscopes have also been modified for this system, which makes it similar to a doctor being in the exact location as a patient.
The use of telemedicine is versatile and can operate anywhere. Its potential advantages include:
● Decreased visits to the emergency room and physician offices due to home monitoring
● Improved health outcomes due to earlier treatment and diagnosis
● Greater accessibility to medical care - especially in rural locations
● Support for clinical education programs
● Support for patients and families
● Reduced extended travel with its adverse effect on the environment
If used appropriately, it would greatly benefit people of all ages and serve to enhance the practice of medicine greatly. If you are frustrated with wasting time and money on doctor visits, CityDoc is a leader in telemedicine visits in North Texas and is here for you. We provide affordable health care as an in-network provider for most insurance plans. If you're without insurance, our easy self-pay pricing will go easy on the wallet.
Relax at home or work and connect with CityDoc for telemedicine services, which will provide 24/7 access to board-certified physicians for all non-emergent illnesses. Visit today for more information.