The fragment-based drug discovery market is projected to grow at an annualized
The fragment-based drug discovery market is projected to grow at an annualized
Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on Fragment-based Drug DiscoveryMarket: Library and Service Providers, 2020-2030”, covering key aspects of the industry’s evolution and identifying potential future growth opportunities.

Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on Fragment-based Drug DiscoveryMarket: Library and Service Providers, 2020-2030”, covering key aspects of the industry’s evolution andidentifying potential future growth opportunities.


To order this 170+ pagereport, which features 55+ figures and 80+ tables, please visit this -


Key Market Insights

§  Over 85 firms areinvolved in providing fragment-based drug discovery-related services; of these,around 40 players claim to offer both libraries and technologies

§  Industry stakeholdersoffer either customized fragment libraries or proprietary screeningtechnologies, a select few claim to provide both; however, the expertiserelated to fragment optimization is still limited in this domain

§  Majority ofstakeholders in the competitive market landscape are small / mid-sized firms,offering a variety of services to cater to the needs of a diverse clientele,featuring industry and non-industry players

§  Stakeholders areactively expanding their capabilities in order to enhance their respectivefragment-based drug discovery service portfolios and thereby, maintain acompetitive edge in this upcoming industry

§  The rising interest in this field is reflected in the number ofpartnerships inked in the recent past, involving both international andindigenous stakeholders, and focused on drug discovery for diverse range ofindications

§  Considering the prevalenttrend of drug discovery and approval, we are led to believe that thefragment-based approach has the potential to enable significant time and costsavings

§  The market is expected to witness growth at a CAGR of ~10%; theanticipated opportunity is likely to be distributed across various types ofscreening techniques, services and geographies


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Table of Contents


1.         PREFACE

1.1.       Scope of the Report

1.2.       Research Methodology

1.3.       Chapter Outlines





3.1.      ChapterOverview

3.2.      Overview ofDrug Development


3.3.      DrugDiscovery Process

3.3.1.    TargetIdentification

3.3.2.    TargetValidation

3.3.3.    HitGeneration

3.3.4.    Hit-to-Lead

3.3.5.    LeadOptimization


1.4.           High-ThroughputScreening (HTS) and its Limitations


3.5.      Fragment-basedDrug Discovery (FBDD)

PressRelease: Variation 2 (Format 3)


3.5.1.    FBDD Strategies

3.5.2.    ScreeningTechniques Used in FBDD

3.6.      ChallengesRelated to FBDD

3.7.      FuturePerspectives



4.1.      ChapterOverview

4.2.      Fragment-basedDrug Discovery: List of Library and Service Providers

4.2.1.    Analysis byYear of Establishment of Company

4.2.2.    Analysis byCompany Size and Geographical Location

4.2.3.    LeadingLibrary and Service Providers: Analysis by Number of Products

4.2.4.    Analysis byGeography

4.2.5.    Analysis byType of Service Offered

4.2.6.    Analysis byType of Technique Used

4.2.7.    Analysis byOther Services Offered

4.2.8.    Analysis byEnd User


4.3.      Fragment-basedDrug Discovery: List of Libraries and Technologies

4.3.1.    Analysis byType of Product




5.1.      ChapterOverview


5.2.      2bind

5.2.1.    Recent Developmentsand Future Outlook


5.3.      CharlesRiver Laboratories

5.3.1.    RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.4.      ChemAxon

5.4.1.    RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.5.      ComInnex

5.5.1.    RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.6.      CreativeBiolabs

5.6.1.    RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.7.      CreativeBiostructure


5.8.      CRELUX

5.8.1.    RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.9.      Domainex

5.9.1.    RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.10.     Evotec

5.10.1.  RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.11.     Red GleadDiscovery


5.12.     SARomicsBiostructures

Contact Details

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415