The Best Acne Scar Treatment In Singapore| Clifford Clinic
The Best Acne Scar Treatment In Singapore| Clifford Clinic
acne scar treatment singapore
acne scar treatment singapore


Individuals who suffer from acne scarring tend to develop more than one type of acne scar. Only in rare cases do people suffer from only one type of acne scar, such as boxcar scars or ice pick scars. Each of these conditions can be successfully treated to differing degrees.


Acne scars are typically the result of acne blemishes becoming inflamed. It happens when the acne pore swells. Afterward, the wall of the pore begins to break down. acne scar treatment singapore  Depending on the acne blemishes, some are small ones that leave shallow  scars which then heals fast.In some instances, the blemishes’ contents can spill into the surrounding tissue. This causes severe scarring. The skin responds by generating new collagen fibers to mend the scar.

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Skin moles can be a serious aesthetic concern that can affect a person’s sense of confidence. They can take on a different colour from the skin and appear in sizes which are highly noticeable. While most of them are harmless, they can also be associated with melanoma.Otherwise known as nevi, moles are natural growths on the skin that typically appear on the facial areas or anywhere on the body. Usually brown or black in colour, moles come in various sizes from big to small as well as appear flat or protruding. While some moles may disappear with age, others may change their colour or grow in size.

Icepick Acne Scars

The shaft of an ice pick tool is broad and narrows as it approaches the tip. Similar to the tool, icepick acne scars have a large opening at the top that narrows to a point as it penetrates further into the skin. This type of scar is prevalent. Additionally, it’s amongst the most difficult to heal. Moreover, icepick acne scars are usually found on the upper cheeks and forehead.

Hypertrophic Acne Scars

Hypertrophic acne scars appear as scar tissue lesions that protrude from the skin. They are a result of fibrous tissue overgrowth in the area where the acne lesion is formed. These scars can be painful, sensitive, or itchy. In addition, they are generally seen on the jawline, shoulders, back, and chest.

About Us

With more than 40 years of experience in Dermatology, Aesthetics and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, our doctors at The Clifford Clinic understand your concerns when it comes to aesthetic services. At Clifford, we aim to deliver natural looking results with low down time in the hands of safe and experienced doctors.

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