
LOS ANGELES, CA (MAY 27, 2020) - Dr. Walther E. Budman's company, WEB Agency, has comeout with a new test to detect Covid-19.
Namedas the Six Sigma Covid Test, Dr. Walther claims that this test is one of thecheapest and one of the most accurate for covid in the market right now.
Dr.Walther also says that his test kit is a low-cost alternative compared to othertests that require needles, injections and other invasive procedures. Incomparison, Six Sigma Covid Test for Covid-19 detects the virus without anysuch procedures and is also highly reliable.
Dr.Walther's uses a completely different methodology to come to medically accurateconclusions so that users can feel safe and be safe to the point where theydon't have to be afraid before or after the test. Some modern medicalpractitioners are alluding and insisting that only their expensive methods arethe correct ones, Dr. Walther differs from them in that not only is his testkit highly inexpensive but also gives the test results instantly. Comparingthis to others which takes many hours to even days, WEB Agency's Six SigmaCovid Test for Covid-19 is practically a lifesaver.
Uponquery, Dr. Walther also insisted that his methods align with the best of modernpractices to get the best results. As an example, it is widely known that CovidSmell Test is the first sign of Covid-19 infection. This, along with otherrelevant variables, is used by Dr. Walther to walk the user through simpleat-home processes that are known to help identify those who are infected.
Web Agency About:
WEBAgency is a company by Dr. Walther E. Budman that designs test kits to detectvarious infections. Recently, it successfully developed the Six Sigma CovidTest for Covid-19.
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Media Contact:
Name- Walther E. Budman, WEB Agency,
Address- Walther Budman Agency 11 E 26th St., Suite 1310., New York, NY 10010