
Swaraj Tractors was established in 1974 with the aim of beingself-sufficient and developing India's first indigenous tractor. Swaraj is nowa quickly growing business with a diverse range of tractors and farm equipment,and it is strongly entrenched as one of India's largest tractor brands. Theyproduce a variety of tractors ranging in horsepower from 15 to 65 horsepower tomeet a variety of farming needs.
Swaraj's product line features tractors ranging in horsepower from 15 to60, meeting the needs of farmers for a variety of agricultural operations. Swaraj tractor models have unique characteristics that make them ideal for a variety ofagricultural applications. They place a high value on their customers. As aresult, they coordinate a variety of customer engagement events, such as:
- Free service camps,
- Doorstep service, and
- Swaraj Aabhar.