Sodium Propionate Market Overview, Scope and Driving Demand, 2018-2026
Sodium Propionate Market Overview, Scope and Driving Demand, 2018-2026
Increase in demand for sodium propionate from food and pharmaceutical industries drives the global market.

Sodium Propionate Market: Overview

Sodiumpropionate is an organic acid that either exist in the natural form or producedduring the chemical degradation of sugar. It is the salt of propionic acidwhose chemical formula is C3H5NaO2. Sodium propionate ishygroscopic in nature. It is a white or colorless salt in the form of granularcrystalline powder or transparent crystals. Sodium propionate is soluble inwater and alcohol. It is recognized as a food ingredient by FDA and primarilyused for food preservation and flavoring. Sodium propionate is widely used inbaked goods, processed meats, dairy products, soft drinks, and alcoholicdrinks.

Sodium Propionate Market: Trends & Demands

Increasein demand for sodium propionate from food and pharmaceutical industries drivesthe global market. It is used as a food preservative in baked and processedfood to curtail the growth of mold and other bacteria. Demand for sodiumpropionate from the food industry is anticipated to increase in the next fewyears, as it is employed in processed and baked foods to enhance flavor andshelf life of the product. It is used as a medical drug for treating fungi andbacteria, which causes common ocular infections, and prevents side effects suchas allergies or sensitivities. Furthermore, advancements in sodium propionate-basedmedical practices to treat patients with lids, conjunctiva, and corneainfections is projected to create lucrative opportunities in the global sodiumpropionate market. Furthermore, increase in usage of sodium propionate incosmetics & personal care and agrochemical industries is expected to drivethe globalsodium propionate market during the forecast period.

Sodium Propionate Market: Key Segments

Based onform, the global sodium propionate market can be segmented into granules andpowders. The granules segment held a large share of the market in 2017. Demandfor sodium propionate granules in the bakery & confectionary industry isexpected to rise in the near future owing to its mold inhibiting properties.

In termsof end-use industry, the sodium propionate market can be classified into food,animal feed, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & personal care, agrochemicals, andothers. The food segment accounts for a significant share of the global sodiumpropionate market. Sodium propionate is primarily employed in creams,ointments, foams, lotions, and gels. It  is widely used as a food additivein bakery products, blue cheese, breads & buns, cakes & pies, cheese& cheese products, cured meat products, dried meat, firm & hard cheese,fresh processed meat products, meat & meat products, pastries & donuts,processed & American style cheese, raw (dry) fermented sausages, raw-cooked& pre-cooked products, soft & semi-soft cheese, and tortillas.


Sodium Propionate Market: Regional Outlook

Based onregion, the global sodium propionate market can be divided into North America,Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. NorthAmerica accounted for a major share of the global sodium propionate market in2017 due to presence of a large number of processed food manufacturers in theregion. The sodium propionate market in Europe is anticipated to expand at arapid pace during the forecast period owing to rise in capital investments inthe food industry across countries such as Italy, France, and the U.K.Production capacity expansions by manufacturers of food preservatives in Chinaand India are likely to boost exports of sodium propionate to the countries inEurope in the next few years. Furthermore, Asia Pacific held a significantshare of the global market in 2017 due to the increase in demand for sodiumpropionate in agriculture and pharmaceutical industries in this region.

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Sodium Propionate Market: Key Players

Keyplayers operating in the global sodium propionate market include Dow ChemicalsCompany, DR. Paul Lohmann GmbH KG, Fine organic industries, Ltd, FoodchemInternational, Jainex Specialty Chemicals, Krishna chemicals, Macco OrganiquesInc., Niacet Corporation, Prathista Industries Ltd, Rishi chemical works Pvt.Ltd., Titan biotech Limited, and Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. These playersfocus on their core competencies of delivering their products through effectivedistribution channels.

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