
Shockwavetherapy is a non-invasive treatment. The treatment involves creating aseries of low energy acoustic pulsations that are administered over theinjury using a gel medium. Care2Cure Clinic practices Shockwave therapyservice in Ottawa. At the Care2Care physiotherapy center, youwill be assessed by the physiotherapist on your first visit. The assessment isto confirm that you are an appropriate candidate for shockwave therapyservice.
The nextstep would be to decide what you can do in conjunction with ShockwaveTherapy Treatment. This includes activity modification, specific exercises,assessing any other contributing issues such as posture, tightness/weakness ofother muscle groups.
Shockwavetherapy is usually done once a week for 3-6 weeks, depending onresults.
Youshould opt for shockwave therapy treatment if you have chronictendinopathies, muscle and joints pain, which haven't responded to any othertreatments.
Othersymptoms are Elbow Tendonitis, Achilles, rotator cuff, plantar fasciitis,jumper’s knee, calcific tendinitis of the shoulder.
At the care2curephysiotherapy center, the treatment plan is well customized to the individualcase study, but then there may be a slight feeling of discomfort during thetreatment, depending on the level of pain the person is already experiencing inthe area.
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