
Remote Healing ISHA is given on request to serve all, by the spirit of the universe.
So all cultures, religions are integrated. So all are one to believe and receive.
Because we are all ONE in the eyes and mind of GOD, Ganesha,
Buddha, 佛 Fú, 불 Bul, Allah, Akbar, Elohim, Yehovah, Yah, Yahweh, Spirit and Gaya.
When you have studied all religions, you will see all is the same. And all are the same.
And all deserve the same ....... a 2e chance. For good health, Joy, Happiness and Laughter
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ISHA stands for, International School of Healing Arts since 1988
In Hindu, Goddess of protection
In Hindi, "God of the north".
In Hindostan, "Someone who protects"
In Möslim, Last evening prayer
In Arabic, Have a long life ....
Learn all about true healing, study, and again read it every month!
THE FREE ISHA CURE - A REAL 2e chance for ALL people
Our members (and moderators), are self-controlled users, medical doctors, therapists of all kinds,
scientists, surgeries, psychologists, psychiatrists, technicians, university teachers, professors....
of many research, developments and healing modalities.
Some with already 45 years of experience in health, healing and Non-Linear Systems.
Together sharing thousands of years of experiences for the benefit of all humankind.
Many are trained from generation to generation by masters and grandmasters in many secret teachings.
Many took multiple times a year off to train from 7 in the morning till 11 in the evening, 7 days a week.
Many of them worked in famous hospitals worldwide, some even for 25 years ...
and then realized to start their own practice since they really want to help other people,
but free, outside the system. Not guided by money, greed, status but by love.
Almost all, did become master students of ISHA and became an ISHA Apprentice Master because of the
knowledge and healing powers of the worldwide proven to work FREE of charge ISHA protocols.
These teachings are now for over a year also being taught/used on universities of Gratz, Munchen, Manchester,
for new doctors to become, as many members did the report.
*New insights of the real working principles of the body and healing are provided by ISHA researches and classes by which we bypass the "take the organ out" and poor DNA mentality, radiation, and chemo poisons.
We demonstrate and teach to do treatments from the miracle level of the RNA in the mitochondria, re-establish the workings of the body bio-communication systems. We also use NLS to do the analysis, control, planning, monitoring.
We demonstrated the 2e most important in diseases, the BUGS ...
We depower all bugs in the special group 24 for fast results with the special ISHA Virus Expert Pro
And even use thousands of years old knowledge from the ISHA Aura commandments. And many more ....
As GOD instructed for thousands of years in all religions, "as within, so without \ outside" to do the miracle healings.
Old inferior DNA can not produce new good quality DNA, only RNA can .... just watch\study
The Apprentice Masters Classes like all did and you know the TRUTH and the true path of
real fast health and healing.
Many started also from other working areas a health practice, or are now being to do so.....
Many were originally normal people who experienced the real powers of healing by NLS and
The ISHA protocols, themselves, after being immobilized and having suffered intensely for many years ...
and then wanted to share their experiences, so other people could have that 2e chance too.
Just as they did get.
Many did get "the call by GOD' or just received it, just like you did ..... ?
Realize this, when you help 1 person, you really help his/her whole family to get rid of the fears,
stress, anger, frustrations, desperations .... you are bringing them all, joy, laughter, bliss ...