
Puerto Vallarta is an amazing place for all kinds of travelers from around the world. However, the place is famous among nightlife lovers.
Puerto Vallarta Nightlife & NightClubs - pvnightlife.com
The La Santa is one of the exclusive clubs in Malecon Puerto Vallarta Nightlife. The club is known for getting frequent visits from popular celeb ontheir vacations. So, it is a good place to have fun along with some popularpeople. What makes La Santa a unique club from the other on the list is thein-hose DJ and light show. Now imagine yourself enjoying a night out havingchampagne with sparkling firecrackers sparkling in the sky. Definitely, youwould not like to miss such an ambiance if you are enthusiastic about clubbing.Besides, the club makes theme changes throughout the year, so every time youvisit the clubs, it looks fresh and surprising to the clubbers. More info here...