
Puerto Vallarta Clubs - PV Nightlife
La Santa is one of the moreexclusive-feeling dance clubs in Puerto Vallarta, often frequented byvacationing celebrities. The light show and in-house DJ are consistently fresh,providing the best nightlife in Puerto Vallarta for those looking to getdressed up for a night out. Bottles of champagne and sparkling firecrackersmake every night an event you won’t want to miss. With parties and themeschanging throughout the year, something surprising in Puerto Vallarta nightlife is always in store at La Santa.
Puerto Vallarta has longbeen a popular tourist destination. With picturesque beaches, a vibrantculture, and fun nightlife, this is definitely one of the best places to visitin Mexico. This guide is for all you party animals out there, as we’re going todive into the awesome Puerto Vallarta nightlife!
While many people may thinkof Puerto Vallarta as a spring break hotspot, there’s a lot more to thenightlife here than youngsters downing tequila shots at Señor Frogs. In fact,there are plenty of fun bars in Puerto Vallarta that aren’t overpriced touristtraps.
On a night out in PV, youcan take your pick between chilled out beach bars, hidden cocktail joints,local craft breweries, LGBT-friendly bars, and pulsating nightclubs. There areso many choices here that you can bar hop on every night of your trip andbarely scratch the surface. Click For More