
HONGKONG (July 12, 2020): Privacy advocates and activists havelong been upset with major corporations, tech giants and governments for theirinability and unwillingness to protect privacy of citizens. From commoncitizens to the celebrities, who are usually the hardest hit with privacybreaches, have sought and demanded that their data be kept safe and out ofreach from prying eyes, even from the gatekeepers of privacy. Lo and behold!They asked and they received! Hash Connect has come out as the privacy championthat everyone has been vying for.
Hash Connect, with itsmessaging service called Hash Messenger, protects the people's privacy withabsolute certainty. It uses the latest encryption and security tools to ensureyour messages and transactions are yours and yours alone. Type a message and then press encrypt andsend it to your contact. They'll be able to view it only if you have sharedwith them your password for decrypting the message and then the decryptedmessage disappears from the app once the app is deleted from running in thebackground – unless they take a screenshot.
"We've longcontemplated how we can best serve the people not just with what they want butalso with what they deserve. All of us at Hash Connect put our hearts, mindsand souls into creating Hash Messenger, the one service that people can trustto protect their privacy completely with not just messages but also free,crystal-clear video and audio calls along with group calls. I can assureeveryone that your privacy couldn't be in more secure hands that Hash Connects.Do reach us out at", said the SeniorDeveloper at Hash Connect, Victor Parcley.
Hash Connect is acommunication firm that combines a private decentralized messenger,cryptocurrency wallet, and DApps browser into a powerful, private, and securecommunication tool. It is specifically designed to protect your messages andinformation from third party interference.
Address - 180 Argyle St., #2013, Ho Man Tin,Hong Kong
Phone Number - +18883863902