
Gold is the Sectorto Invest in NOW
Ø Active Mining Company Focused on High Value GoldDeposits.
Ø Recent Acquisition of Netherlands Company with VeryPromising Gold Mining Rights in Kazakhstan.
Ø Experienced Management with In-Country and BusinessConnections.
Ø Cicero TransactGroup to Assist in Worldwide Business Development and Marketing.
The argument for being invested, directly orindirectly, in gold is perhaps stronger than it’s ever been for today’sgeneration of investors. Gold stocks are the simplest way for most individualsto gain exposure to the precious metal. As Warren Buffett said, “Bullionproduces no income,” so it may be better to seek the upside potential of goldstocks of companies actively in the business of maximizing profits for theirshareholders.
Palayan Resources (OTC: PLYN) is anexploration company focused on finding and developing world-class golddeposits. PLYN has positioned itself to capitalize on opportunities inKazakhstan—enhanced by a team with extensive experience in mining andin-country government and business connections.
Ø Palayan Resources Acquires Certain Mineral Rights inKazakhstan
On June 19th PLYN andScythian Mining Group Ltd. (“SMG”) announced the closing of a ShareExchange Agreement pursuant to which PLYN acquired all of the issued andoutstanding shares in the capital of SMG’s wholly owned subsidiary, SMG-GoldB.V., a Netherlands incorporated company. The parties are working diligently tosatisfy all requirements of the Transaction, including the transfer of sharesof SMG-Gold B.V. to the PLYN.
SMG-Gold B.V., a private company incorporatedunder the laws of the Netherlands, holds certain mineral rights through AltynKokkus LLP, a Kazakhstan limited liability partnership organized and existingunder the laws of Kazakhstan, identified by a Subsoil Resources Use Contract No2068 for land rights and underground mineral rights to the Kokkus Project, agold and copper deposit in Kazakhstan (the “Kokkus Project”).
The Kokkus Project is a gold deposit locatedin the Karaganda Orblast, about 400 kilometers from the regional mining centerof Karaganda. It consists of a Subsoil Resource Contract under Kazakhstan lawcovering approximately 16 square kilometers.
Ø Palayan Resources Engages Cicero Transact Group to Assistin Business Development and Marketing Worldwide
On June 29th PLYN announceda business development and data management services agreements with CiceroTransact Group, Inc. ("Cicero"). Cicero will supply targeted data to PLYNto assist the company with its marketing strategy within its industry verticals.Cicero will also assist in gold mining industry research and develop online andoffline brand awareness content for the Company.
The Cicero data management platform andnetwork of company designated websites will target gold mining industry professionals,gold mining stock investors, family offices, and also multiple industry-relatedgroups on social media. Those awareness efforts will provide a significantbenefit to the company and help expand its brand recognition, including that ofthe recently acquired SMG-Gold B.V. ("SMG"). Cicero will not onlyprovide PLYN access to direct industry targeted data, but it will alsoadvise PLYN and its subsidiaries on how such targeted data can helpexecute their business strategy. Cicero will work closely with PLYN tohelp establish and assist with their core business objectives and leadgeneration campaigns.
For more information on PLYN visitvisit