
PLoS ONE Impact Factor
Is the PLoS ONE impact factor good? Where is the journal indexed? Who is the editor-in-chief? View all journal information updated 2020.
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PLoS ONE Impact Factor
An Impact Factor (IF) is a way to measure how often articles in a journal are cited. Before submitting a manuscript be sure to check the PLoS ONE Impact Factor.
PLOS One is a peer-reviewed and open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science since 2006. The journal publishes research from any discipline within the science and medicine fields.
Not sure if PLoS ONE is a good journal to submit your manuscript? Continue reading to find the PLoS ONE IF and other useful information.
What is the PLoS ONE Impact factor?
PLoS ONE has an Impact factor (IF) of 2.78.
How is the PLoS ONE IF calculated?
The PLoS ONE Impact Factor was calculated by dividing the number of citations in the year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. An Impact Factor of 1 means that, on average, the articles published in the journal one or two years ago have been cited 1 time.
The editor-in-chief is Joerg Heber.
Internal Medicine Review
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