
You may be wondering why many physical therapy clinics have not only physical therapy in the name but also sports medicine. How are they related? Are they related?
Physical Therapy Voorhees & Sports Medicine Understands Pain
The key to optimal recovery after a sports injury is immediate initiationof the right exercises and providing your body solutions Voorhees NJ with the right nutrients tospeed up healing. While injured body parts like an ankle sprain, a torn ACL ormeniscus, a shoulder strain, or a hip strain needs to be rested, you need toinitiate immediate exercises for other body parts. This will reduce thecompensation and keep your body “even” and “balanced”. For example, if you have an right ankle sprain, you need to immediatelystart strengthening your right hip and knee to avoid onset of weakness ANDstrengthen your left ankle. By working your left ankle, you indirectlyaccelerate the recovery process of the right ankle. Read More