Online Education Market, Size, Global Forecast 2022-2027
Online Education Market, Size, Global Forecast 2022-2027
Online Education Market Size was valued at US$ 269.87 Billion in the year 2021. Industry Trends, Growth, Insight, Impact of COVID-19, Company Analysis, Global Forecast 2022-2027.

Online Education Market, Size, Global Forecast 2022-2027

Over the years, the ubiquity of information technology has been influencing almost all aspects of human lives: the way we work, communicate with others, process data into information, analyse and share information, entertain ourselves, and enjoy tourism. Further, the e-evolution or e-revolution led to e-mails, e-commerce, e-government, and now has e-education. E-learning or online education is transforming the way we approach teaching and learning. The concept of e-learning is a technology-mediated learning approach of great potential from the educational perspective, and it has been one of the leading research lines of Educational Technology in the last decades. As per Renub Research, the Global Online Education Market will reach US$ 585.48 Billion by 2027.