Online A Level Maths Tutoring
Online A Level Maths Tutoring
Are you looking Online A Level Maths & Mathematics Tutor? SimplifyMaths provide the best online A Level maths and mathematics tutoring service for online A Level maths & mathematics lessons.

Online A Level Maths Tutoring


About Gareth

Studied Financial Computing at Brunel University. I loveapplying mathematics and economics to the real world to create tangible things.

I am friendly, approachable and adapt my lessons to suityour learning style and pace. Once you have a clear understanding of a topic, Iintroduce exam questions and develop exam technique. I have completed over1,000 hours of online tutoring privately.

I have taught in a range of primary and secondary schools inLondon.

My personal attainment was a 2:1 Honours degree in FinancialComputings, so I have a good grasp of what is required from students to achievetop grades in exams.

I also enjoy playing a variety of sports ranging from footballto snooker.


I aim to structure my sessions by asking my students towrite a list of topics they’re finding tricky to understand and learn, we willthen both work on strengthening these areas together. I also want to make surethe core areas and foundations of each topic are well understood beforeprogressing to harder areas. With maths, I find practicing is the best way, somost of my sessions will be based on practice questions and going throughexamples together. I aim to complete past papers together in preparation forexams and make sure there are no grey topic areas


Selecting your A-Levels, choosing which course to do orwhich university to apply to? It’s a big decision to make to decide a big partof your life – but don’t panic, you can alter it if you change your mind orfind what you’ve chosen to study or where you’re studying isn’t for you.

There is often one key factor that people don’t realiseabout their degree or course until they’re at university and potentiallystruggling. Although it may not say so on the course outline or degree site onthe university’s webpage, maths is often something you’ll find you have to comeacross during your time studying. This is already probably pretty obvious tothose pursuing any form of medicine, business or economics but it’ll likelysurprise you how many courses incorporate the subject.

A common use of maths outside of the obvious subjects is toenable you to analyse results from studies in social sciences, geography,fieldwork, geology and further areas. And while I’d love to tell you it’s justworking out the mean, median and mode which you probably studied in year eight,It’s more complicated than that. Statistical means of analysis are used, whichsome of us struggle to get our heads around!

While these subjects and courses will quite likely not askfor a maths A-Level, it’s worth considering taking it to A-Level if a career orcourse you’re considering is likely to involve statistical analyses of studiesor experiments. Maths is one of the few subjects, like English, which is usedin almost every walk of life and most employers will look for good grades inboth disciplines. So make sure you’re prepared and, if necessary, scrub up onyour maths while you can!