
null-crack null scripts
A straightforward transverse damage model Based on Griffith's "virtual work" argument and other common damage theories was devised. It calculates the propagation criteria at the interface between the fiber and matrix. The strength of the transverse tensile depends on crack opening angle between the two and the strength of the interface's surface. The model was evaluated using in situ transverse tensile tests using unidirectional E-glass fibers/epoxy composite.
The proper test for threshold is a Griffith quiescent level at which the forward and backward fluctuations create a balance and mean cracktip velocity becomes zero. The boundary is determined by two energy barriers: G = W = 2g and G indicating the energy release rates, W the Dupre action of adhesion, and g indicating the surface energy. A test of the threshold of crack propagation can be done in a lab, or by simulation.
The linear relation between normal and tangential stresses is observed in data taken near to the crack's point are studied. The K-field displacement relation has the appearance of a linear relationship, especially when the data are collected near to the crack's edge. With a regression analysis, Ktip can be calculated for a specific crack profile. This method is very useful when the data is collected in an isolated region near to the point. The results of this