
Nisin is a combination of antibacterial polypepties produced by lactococcus lactis subspecies strains. Lactis can be broken down into amino acids in the human intestines and stomach by the enzyme a-chymotrypsin. Nisin is a natural food preservative that can significantly reduce the necessary temperature, reducing food processing time. It also enhances the nutritional content, look, flavour, and texture of foods while also extending their shelf life. Nisin has 34 amino acid residues, including didehydroalanine, methyllanthionine, lanthionine, and didehydroaminobutyric acid, which are unusual amino acids.
Natural preservatives are naturally derived additives that are used in a variety of items, including snacks, bread, confectionery, meat, fish, poultry, and others, to maintain the natural properties of food and extend its storage shelf life. Nisin belongs to the class of antibacterial compounds known as lantibiotics. In acidic settings, it is the most stable, and in watery environments, it is the most soluble. Nisin is employed as a single preservative or in combination with other preservatives in a wide range of foods.Natural food preservatives are also utilised to prevent spoiling during shipment. Freezing, boiling, smoking, pasteurising, pickling, and other natural preservation methods are among the oldest.
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