My Experience Working with an eCommerce SEO Consultant
My Experience Working with an eCommerce SEO Consultant
If I’m being totally honest, “consultant” seems like a buzzword that people high and low are throwing around nowadays simply because it sounds nice and no one really knows what it means. I personally have friends that now call themselves consultants. I don’t really know what they do anymore.

If I’m being totally honest, “consultant” seems like a buzzword that people high and low are throwing around nowadays simply because it sounds nice and no one really knows what it means. I personally have friends that now call themselves consultants. I don’t really know what they do anymore.

So when I started seeing ads for eCommerce SEO consultants, you must understand, I was naturally very skeptical. Since that time, my impression has changed, however.

Let’s rewind a bit. I operate a small (possibly mid-sized) eCommerce business. I’ve gone through the rounds of building email lists and setting up AdWords accounts so I could bring in new potential customers and capture additional value from existing customers. These things related to digital marketing are not foreign to me.

In a sense, though, SEO was, but I have read (time and time again, might I add) that it’s supposed to be the “best” way to generate organic traffic streams. So I thought “anything I can do to cut costs associated with paid marketing must be a good thing.” At least potentially.

So I started looking for an eCommerce SEO consultant even though I was admittedly highly leery of the term. That’s how I found 1DigitalⓇ Agency.

Their website was promising and had a lot of examples of case studies and client portfolio pieces showing the sort of work they performed for their clients, so I was drawn in. I figured the worst that could happen would be they wouldn’t be able to impress me and I’d move on to another prospect.

Well, they seemed to know what they were talking about, and they made me feel confident in their process. They performed an SEO audit of my website (free, by the way) that showed a few technical, site-speed, and page-level errors. I think I had some duplicate content on certain pages and needed some updates. Nothing massive.

So I signed on for a smaller SEO campaign and they’ve been delivering me pretty high-quality content that’s helped my rankings improve, which I can only imagine will continue in the future. Search engine optimization is a long-term game, as they say. They did the keyword research and all the heavy lifting when it came to optimizing the user experience for my online store. They’re also performing link-building which appears to be boosting my organic traffic as well.

But my positive experience with these eCommerce SEO consultants is that they do so much more.

That’s the other thing. It wasn’t only about SEO, at any point. They’re not pushy, but they also don’t get stuck in their silos, either. It seemed like any time I mentioned the least bit of concern with my business, they were ready with a potential solution - or at least a team member that could help.

For instance, I complained about the cost of PPC and how, even though I was getting sales, it just didn’t seem worth the investment. They completely turned around my PPC campaign by refreshing my ad copy, optimizing my landing pages, and optimizing my targeting. Now, not only does my PPC investment handily pay for itself, it generates a handsome revenue stream.

I haven’t decided one way or the other yet, but 1DigitalⓇ Agency also offers website design, development, and migration services. I’ve been thinking about migrating to a dedicated eCommerce platform like BigCommerce or maybe even Shopify, and I’m starting to think 1DigitalⓇ Agency will be the team to handle that job. I know their designers can create a custom website for me, too.

Anyway, that’s my experience working with their eCommerce SEO consultants. I really wasn’t planning on writing all this when I first sat down but, hey, what can you do. They deserve the good review. There are a lot of agencies out there that have a lot of bad reviews and there’s probably a reason for it. At least 1DigitalⓇ Agency earned my trust. I recommend.


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