
Sigma Six interviews are very tough, but moreimportantly, the questions asked there are very conceptual. To qualify theinterview and be a Six Sigma certified, you need to answers all the questionsthat are asked to you with confidence. Win over the interviewer to win in theinterview.
So, here are a few important interview questionsalong with the answer that would help you tackle the probable questions in theinterview.
1. Explain the Six Sigma elaborately.
Ans. Six Sigma is a problem-solving methodologywhich is nearly perfect. Most organizations use this process in projects theywork in. By the help of this process can reduce the additional costs to resolveproblems taking place during the production process. It is because Six sigmahelps in finding the root of the problem and finishing it to ensure that theproblem doesn't pop up in future. It also reduces the cost of the company tofix errors and also save emergency funds.
The measurement is done by DPMO factor, whichstands for 'Defect per Million Opportunities'.
2. Different levels are available on Six Sigma.What are they?
Ans. Six Sigma is a methodology which helps inprocess improvement by identifying the cause of all the errors and tacklingthem, which improves the overall process. The DPMO score is checked when theSix Sigma level is a matter of concern. The best or topmost level is achievedwhen the accuracy of a process gets to only 3.4 defects per millionopportunities.
The levels involved are:
- 690,000
- 308,537
- 66,807
- 6,210
- 233
- 3.4
3. Six Sigma processes have different types ofvariations. Explain them.
Ans. Different types of variations used in sixsigma processes are as follows:
- Mean- The measurement of these values is only calculated for a specific application. Practically speaking about this process, average techniques derived from mathematics are used to measure and compare results.
- Median- The process involves identification of the lowest and highest values and then dividing them by 2 and initiating it. The variation in this process is measured and compared by finding out the midpoint of the data, which sets a range of deviation.
- Range- As implied by the name, it shows the area of deviation of specific data by considering the highest rate and the lowest rate.
- Mode- Considering the word, it is similar to its mathematical approach towards statistics. It is the most frequently occurring value in the given data set range.
4. In terms of implementing the Six Sigma Team principles,what role is played by executive leaders and executive management authorities?
Ans. Executive leaders and executive managementauthority's play a very crucial role in implementing Six Sigma team principles because they have a lot of responsibilities.These responsibilities start with them driving the initiative and checking thequality of products. The optimize the processes to bring the production cost toa profitable level where the whole team is being productive and fewer costs ofoperation incur. Their main objective is to make sure that product of greatquality is delivered to a customer to ensure their satisfaction and loyalty tothe company.
5. What is the significant difference between thelean methodology and six sigma methodology?
Ans. Lean methodology is more focused towardsreducing wastage within a process flow, whereas Six Sigmamethodology is more inclined towards reducing the variation by analyzing it. Thisis the most significant difference between these two methodologies.
6. What are the common beliefs and misunderstandingassociated with the Six Sigma process?
Ans. The common wrong beliefs and misunderstandingassociated with this Six Sigma process are:
- People think it can only be used to reduce defects.
- Many also believe that it is used to produce and deploy projects.
- They also think it is just training and cannot be implemented in the day to day life.
- It is only related to management and cannot help in engineering activities is another misconception.
Six Sigma is a very difficult certification toachieve, but, it is completely worth it as it increases your value as an assetin the market. It might be a tough exam but can be qualified with enoughdedication and training to help you out. Whenever you are going for theinterview, the first thing that you need to do is be confident while answeringthe questions asked to you by your interviewer. Keep all these above-listedquestions in your mind as these are frequently asked in interviews.