Miss V
Miss V
Feminine Wash, Vagina Wash, V Wash is a mild and gentle hypoallergenic feminine wash suitable for every woman to keep their intimate area clean.

Miss V

Feminine Wash ( V Wash) is a mild and gentle hypoallergenicWash is suitable for every woman to keep their intimate area clean, fresh andwell-balanced. This daily wash is formulated from special plant bio active thatcan effectively protect the natural pH balance of women’s intimate area. Hence,it is an ideal wash.


Pencuci wanita yang lembut dan efektif dalam membersihkanbahagian intim anda. Ianya membersih, mencuci and membuang kotoran, sel-selmati, lendir, keputihan dengan mudah. V Wash dibuat dari ramuan tumbuh-tumbuhanyang asli dan semulajadi. Ianya membuang bau yang tak diingini dibahagian ini,menyegarkan dan merawat. Anda boleh rasa sendiri kebaikannya dari mula andamenggunakan V Wash. Ianya menghilangkan masalah gatal atau kekeringan divagina. Ianya melindungi dan memelihara bahagian ini. Tiada masalah keputihan,kekeringaan, gatal atau bau yang tidak disenangi.


Using harsh feminine cleansing product for intimate hygienemay sometimes disrupt the pH balance, hence lead to irritation, vaginaldiscomfort and unpleasant odor. This multipurpose feminine care products alsoacts as an antibacterial wash for women intimate area to prevent bacterial andviral infection which may lead to leucorrhea(white discharge). Unlike other generic feminine soap, this natural femininewash also protects against dryness by protecting the skin natural moisturelayer.




Vaginal discharge is a fluid released by glands in thevagina and cervix. The fluid carries dead cells and bacteria out of the body.Vaginal discharge functions in keeping the vagina clean and prevent infection.Normal vaginal discharge varies in amount and ranges in colour from clear tomilky, white discharge. Discharge may have a slight odour as well. However, afoul fishy odour might be a sign of an infection.


There are times when discharge amounts changes. Usually,after a period, there is almost no discharge. Two to three days later after theperiod ends, there is a thick, white discharge. A few days later, theconsistency changes to appear more like mucous. Before ovulation, the dischargebecomes clear and sticky, and before the next period, discharge has thick andwhite consistency.


Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is thin, white, milky andmild smelling. The amount of discharge also increases during pregnancy.However, during premenopausal and menopause, discharge decreases due to lowlevels of oestrogen. Figure 1 shows the product should see it : Feminine wash



There are several different types of vaginal discharge.These types are categorized based on their colour and consistency. Some typesof discharge are normal. Others may indicate an underlying condition thatrequires treatment.



A bit of white discharge, especially at the beginning or endof the menstrual cycle, is a normal discharge. However, if thick, whitedischarge goes along with other symptoms, such as itching, burning andirritation, it is probably due to a yeast infection. If not, it is normaldischarge. Yeast infection discharge is caused by an overgrowth of fungus inthe vagina. Symptoms of yeast infection discharge include a thick, white,cottage cheese-like discharge, along with itching, redness, irritation andburning.

Brown or bloody

Brown or bloody discharge is usually normal, especially whenit occurs during or right after the menstrual cycle. A late discharge at theend of the period can look brown instead of red. A small amount of bloodydischarge between periods is called spotting. If spotting occurs during thenormal time of your period and recently had sex without protection, this couldbe a sign of pregnancy. In rare cases, brown or bloody discharge can be a signof advanced cervical cancer.

Clear and watery

A clear and watery discharge is perfectly normal. It canoccur at any time of the month. It may be especially heavy after exercise.

Clear and stretchy

When discharge is clear but stretchy and mucous-like, ratherthan watery, it indicates that the body are likely ovulating. This is a normaltype of discharge.

Yellow or green

Yellow discharge is abnormal discharge, as this is a sign ofa bacterial infection or sexually transmitted infection. A yellow or greendischarge, especially when it’s thick, chunky, or accompanied by an unpleasantsmell, isn’t normal. This type of discharge may be a sign of the infectiontrichomoniasis. It’s commonly spread through sexual intercourse.



Any change in the vagina’s balance of normal bacteria canaffect the smell, colour, or discharge texture. These are a few of the thingsthat can upset that balance:


Antibiotic or steroid use

Bacterial vaginosis

Birth control pills

Cervical cancer

Chlamydia or gonorrhoea (STDs), sexually transmittedinfections


Douches, scented soaps or lotions, bubble bath

Pelvic infection after surgery

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Vaginal atrophy, the thinning and drying out of the vaginalwalls during menopause

Vaginitis, irritation in or around the vagina

Yeast infections



Vaginal discharge usually begins around the time a girl getsher first period. It can start up to six months before having first period.This is when the body undergoes many hormonal changes. The type of vaginaldischarge the body produces can shift during the menstrual cycle and during thelifetime.

Piper betle: Betel leaf contains tannins, chavicol, phenyl,propane, sesquiterpene, cyneole, alkaloid, piperine sugar and some essentialoil which confer it the following properties, wound healing, aromatic, painreliever, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic, cooling, soothing,mild stimulant, euphoria-inducing, anticarcinogenic, ant mutagenic, antioxidantand diuretic.

Betel leaf help to cleanse the vagina, used to reduceinflammation and relieve itching. It also helps in getting rid of bad vaginalodour, vaginal itching and control thick vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). Italso able to inhibit the radiation induced lipid per-oxidation processeffectively and has the ability to scavenge free radicals involved in theinitiation and propagation steps. It protects vaginal tissues from damages andneutralizes free radicals due to overgrowth of vaginal flora.


Azadirachta indica (neem/semambu): an effective treatmentfor candida infection of the vagina in women. The strong antifungal propertiesof Neem combined with immunomodulatory effects lead to a rapid and completehealing in systemic Candida overgrowth. Azadirachta indica demonstratedantibacterial potential against gram positive and negative bacteria. Thephyto-constituents of Azadirachta indica are alkaloids, glycosides, flavanoidsand saponins which are importance components that possess antibiotic principlesof should see it : Miss V

Acerola berry: possess antioxidant qualities that help inmaintaining and prevent damaging oxidation in the body and stimulate the immunesystem. The mineral salts contain and promote the rejuvenation of tired andstressed skin, and proteins in acerola prevent drying. The extract is alsouseful in treating fungal skin infections.

Mint/Menthol: is an effective antimicrobial in fighting bothbacteria and fungi which can lead to irritation and inflammation. Mint maincomponent is menthol which is a known anti-inflammatory that can sooth anirritated scalp and prevent further irritation and inflammation fromreoccurring.

Gentle surfactant: Most of product use sodium laurylsulphate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulphate (SLES) as their surfactant which isknows as an eye, skin and respiratory tract irritant. Feminine Wash containsdihydroxyethyl oleyl glycinate which is a bio surfactant derived from Elaeisguineensis (species of palm) that does not cause such irritant. Dihydroxyethyloleyl glycinate is a non-ionic mild surfactant that can be used as a foamingagent, foam boosting, foaming abilities, conditioner or emulsifier. It also canreduce the irritation of the other surfactants and resistance to hard water.Lauryl glucoside has excellent foaming capacity and good dermatologicalcompatibility.

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