Microbial Contract Biomanufacturing Market is projected to be worth USD 9.3 billion by 2030
Microbial Contract Biomanufacturing Market is projected to be worth USD 9.3 billion by 2030
Thegrowing pipeline of biologics that can be produced in microbial systems, suchas antibody fragments and plasmid-based therapies, is anticipated to offerlucrative opportunities to service providers serving this niche, but growingmarket segment

RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of the “MicrobialContract Biomanufacturing Market, 2020-2030” report to its list ofofferings.

Despitemammalian cell cultures being the preferred manufacturing approach forbiologics, recent advances in microbial fermentation have enabled thedevelopment of versatile biomanufacturing systems, which are both robust andcost friendly. Presently, a number of service provider companies claim to offerend-to-end solutions, ranging from product development to commercial production,for microbial biologics. Given the obvious advantages of outsourcing, drugdevelopers are likely to continue relying on contract service providers forvarious aspects of their respective microbial biologic development programs.

KeyMarket Insights

Over115 CMOs claim to offer manufacturing services for microbial biologics

The microbial contractbiomanufacturing market is highly fragmented, featuring a mix of small,mid-sized, large and very large players. It is worth mentioning that more than50% of CMOs mentioned in the report, have the necessary capabilities tomanufacture biologics across all scales of operation (preclinical, clinical andcommercial).

Presently,more than 70% of service providers use bacterial expression systems

Recently, a number ofmicrobial biologics manufacturers are shifting to yeast-based productionsystems. It is also worth highlighting that close to 30% of CMOs, identified inthis research, claim to have the required capabilities to manufacture biologicsusing both bacterial and yeast-based systems.

Europeis currently regarded as a key manufacturing hub for microbial biologics

There are more than 150manufacturing facilities, with microbial fermentation capabilities, worldwide;of these, 43% are in Europe, followed by North America (31%). On the otherhand, prominent regions in the Asia Pacific and Middle East, where microbialbiologics are manufactured, include (in decreasing order of number of residentmanufacturing facilities) China, India, Japan, Australia and Israel.

Severalpartnerships were established in this domain, during the period 2016-2020

Majority of the dealsrecorded in the report, were established in 2019. Further, a large number(~25%) of the partnerships were observed to be focused on the production of microbialbiologics; this is followed by process development and manufacturing agreements(20%).

Further,multiple expansion initiatives were undertaken by CMOs, since 2016

More than 30% of expansionprojects over the last few years were focused on the establishment of newfacilities, followed by those involving the expansion of existing manufacturingfacilities (28%). Further, 50% of the expansion initiatives mentioned in thereport, were in undertaken by stakeholder companies in Europe, followed NorthAmerica (39%).

Bigpharma players have also been active in this upcoming field

Around 60% of theinitiatives undertaken by big pharma were reported in the period 2016-2020. Ofthese, 57% involved the establishment of strategic partnerships with otherindustry stakeholders. It is worth highlighting that, in terms of type ofbiologic, close to 49% of these initiatives were focused on recombinantproteins.

NorthAmerica and Europe are anticipated to capture over 80% share (in terms ofservice revenues) of the market, by 2030

At present, more than 60% ofthe total revenues are generated from commercialized microbial biologics, andthis trend is unlikely to change significantly in short to mid-term. Further,it is worth mentioning that the contract biomanufacturing market for microbialbiologics in the Middle East and North Africa is anticipated to grow at arelatively faster rate (10.3%), followed by Asia Pacific (9%).

TheUSD 9.3 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the microbial contract biomanufacturingmarket hasbeen analyzed across the following segments:

Typeof Product

·       API

·       FDF

Typeof Biologic

·       Proteins

·       Enzymes

·       Growth Hormones

·       Antibody based Drugs

·       Others (plasmid DNA, probiotics,microbiome-based biologics)

Typeof Microbial Expression System

·       Bacteria

·       Yeast

·       Others (Algae and fungi)

Scaleof Operation

·       Commercial

·       Preclinical / Clinical

Typeof End User

·       Small Companies

·       Mid-sized Companies

·       Large / Very Large Companies

KeyGeographical Regions

·       North America

·       Europe

·       Asia Pacific

·       Middle East and North Africa

·       Latin America

Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom,currently, over 50% operations related to both API and FDF manufacturing ofmicrobial biologics are outsourced to third party service providers. The reportincludes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:

·       Gaurav Kaushik (Chief Executive Officer andManaging Director, Meteoric Biopharmaceuticals)

·       Debbie Pinkston (Vice President, Sales andBusiness Development, List Biological Laboratories)

·       Andrea Conforto (Sales and Marketing,Bioservices Director, Olon)

·       Max Rossetto (General Manager, BusinessDevelopment, Luina Bio)

·       Rob van Dijk (Business Development Manager,WACKER Biotech)

Theresearch covers profiles of key players (listed below); each profile featuresan overview of the company, information related to its microbial manufacturingfocused service portfolio, production facilities and capabilities, and aninformed future outlook.

·       AGC Biologics

·       Aldevron

·       BioVectra

·       EirGenix

·       Etinpro

·       Eurogentec

·       Northway Biotechpharma

·       Ology Bioservices

·       Porton Biopharma

·       Stelis Biopharma

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