
ABC Depot offers a range of products that are engineered for Quality and Performance. Quinn Therm offers an extensive range of PIR insulation products for use in floor, wall and roof applications in new build and retrofit projects.
Make your bills cheaper with Quinn therm PIR insulation
ABC Depot offers a range of products that are engineered for Quality and Performance. Quinn Therm offers an extensive range of PIR insulation Boards products for use in floor, wall, and roof applications in new build and retrofit projects.
Quinn Therm PIR Insulation is a high-performance, fiber freeboard, with a rigid thermoset insulation core and faced on both sides with a low emissivity composite foil facing. The high compressive strength of Quinn Therm QF enables it to withstand the dead and imposed loads transmitted through the floor. Quinn Therm PIR is suitable for new build and refurbishments projects in both domestic and commercial build. With specific properties that optimize the performance of underfloor heating. For suspended timber floors, in particular, Quinn Therm PIR reduces heat loss by an air infiltration method, making it the ideal solution for upgrading the thermal performance of existing floors.
These low emissivity facings increase its thermal resistance of unventilated air space adjacent to the insulation, improving the roof's overall thermal performance. Designed for warm pitched or ventilated cold flat roof constructions on new build projects or on refurbishment projects where the roof is to be stripped and re-covered. The low emissivity foil facings increase the thermal resistance an unventilated cavity adjacent to the insulation, reducing the overall U-value of the wall.
The good dimensional tolerances of the Quinn Therm PIR Insulation board enable it to be tightly butted to form a continuous layer of insulation. Joints can then be easily taped with aluminum foil tape to provide an effective vapor control layer.
Excellent Performance
- Excellent life-long thermal performance
- Helps to achieve low energy building standards
- High compressive strength
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) & Global Warming Potential (GWP) <5
- A+ BRE Green Guide rating
- Environmental Management System certified to ISO14001
Quality Products
Exceeding performance criteria of national and European Standards
- Products which are CE marked and have BBA and IAB accreditation
- Daily quality control testing to all relevant European standards
Technical Resources
- Online resource library including BIM objects and Accredited Construction Details
- Free U-value & Y-value calculators and online product converter
- Technical support and CPD seminars by highly experienced technical team
Flexible Solutions
- Solutions for new builds & refurbishment
- Suitable for commercial and domestic builds
- Full suite of complementary building products available
Specification & Properties
Available in range of thicknesses from 20mm to 150mm. All PIR boards achieve a thermal conductivity of 0.022W/mK to 0.026 W/mK
Thermal performance
Quinn Therm has a thermal conductivity as low as 0.022W/mK, making it one of the most effective rigid board insulations available. The facings have hemispherical emissivity (Eη) of 0.07 ± 0.02 (BBA test report no. 2270) which enhances the thermal resistance of any cavities adjacent to Quinn Therm boards (see page 6 for more details).
Vapour control
The water vapour resistivity of the core insulation may be taken as 300MN.s.g-1.m-1 and a resistance value of 4000MN.s.g-1.m-1 for each foil facing. In some applications, the foil facings may be sealed at the joints on the warm side with metalized tape which will eliminate the requirement for an additional air and vapor control layer (AVCL)
Biological / Chemical
Quinn Therm does not rot and does not support mould or fungus. Quinn Therm is chemically inert and poses no threat to anyone using it.
Quinn Therm has an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero. It has a low Global Warming Potential (GWP), certified to ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems. All Quinn Therm products, with the exception of QRFR-GFR and QRFR-DPFR, achieve A+ rating when compared to the BRE Green Guide. QRFR-GFR and QRFR-DPFR achieve A rating
Dimensional stability
When tested to EN 1604 Quinn Therm achieves level DS(TH)4 to EN 13165.
Durability Quinn
Therm will perform for the service life of the building.
Fire Properties
Quinn Therm products have been tested to BS EN 13501-1 to achieve Euro class rating. Quinn Therm boards also have a Class 1 rating when tested to BS 476 7.