
A machine operators mainly known as machinist is a person who uses machine tools and hand tools to modify or create a part which is made of wood, plastics, or metal. Machine operators work with heavy machineries from starting, setup to the operation of machine and its maintenance.
Machine operators usually work on a manufacturing setting or storehouse setting. The work can be unpredictable and requires more physical strength. Machine operators need to work more that there schedule their rotates in between day and night shifts as it requires various steps to produce a part and also requires more machine tools.
Machine operators job salaries range between $17 to $26 per hour (or annually about $33,000 to $51,000) with high end of the scale for experienced workers. There is a high demand of tool and die makers in Canada. They can increase the overall salary rate by working day and night (overtime).
They can make their salary rate more by various additive machining means like 3D printing to create end-use production parts, tooling, prototypes, industrial components. Those additive machining comes to its own in manufacturing very small complicated or detailed parts, which may not be produced via any other process of manufacturing.
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