
Live Green – 10 Simple Steps To Live Eco – Friendly | DSR Infra
The trees and the green cover play an integral role in theoverall atmosphere of the city, and given the looming global environmentalcrisis, it is something we must all actively protect as well. From eco-friendlycitizen initiatives and environment-centric business practices to real estatein Bangalore, the city is contributing to a greener tomorrow, and of course, thereis a lot more we can do!
Whether you are living in a luxuryapartment in Whitefield near ITPL or a 2 BHKin Gunjur off Sarjapur, these easy, simple steps will not take toomuch out of you, but instead have a positive impact on the environment.
Check out: How To Make Your Home Friendly For Your Best Friend
1. Light a brighterfuture
Apart from remembering to turn off the lights (and otherelectrical appliances) when we leave a room, making use of natural light asmuch as possible is a great way to reduce our electricity consumption. Thismeans we should delay turning on the lights and open the curtains to allownatural light to do its thing.
2. Say bye to plasticbags and boxes
Switch to cloth bags for all your grocery and shoppingneeds. Even when you are picking up food from a restaurant near your apartment builders inBangalore, try carrying boxes from your house to pack the food in.
3. Carry a bottlewherever you go
Minimize your need to buy plastic bottles when you are onthe move and carry water bottles from home. This helps you save money, time,and the planet!
4. Wash with coldwater
Try reducing your usage of hot water at home. Heating wateris a considerable consumption of electricity and can be avoided, especiallywhile washing your clothes.
Whenever possible, try bathing with cold water as well.
5. Cloth in thekitchen
Reduce your use of paper towels and napkins in the kitchen.Cloth products last longer and are cost-effective, apart from beingeco-friendly. To further save money as well as the planet, you can reuse oldclothes, bed sheets, and other fabric for all your kitchen and cleaning needs.
6. Travel less,travel together
Minimize your travel as much as possible. Bangalore is a bigcity and we are always on the move, but where you live plays a big role heretoo. Look for a home that gives you everything you need along with fabulousconnectivity. From 2 & 3 BHKflats in horamavu main road to super-spacious apartmentsfor sale near hope farm junction, we at DSR have a variety of flagshipprojects in prime locations across Bangalore. Gets more time to live life andspend less time on travel, all while making your family and our planet happier!
7. Save water
This is the most overheard yet undervalued tip to live aneco-friendly life. Ensure to use water wisely. Turn off the tap in betweenbrushing and bathing. Keep an eye out for leaky taps and faucets.
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