
They say that successful businesses fill a gap that was missing at the time of opening. When I opened Industrial Athletics in 2013, I was trying to fill the gap of a safe CrossFit in the city of Pittsburgh. I wanted to show the Pittsburgh community, and the CrossFit Pittsburgh community, that there was a smart and safe way to do CrossFit that would actually make you stronger and able to handle harder challenges for a longer period of time.
Is Crossfit Good For Losing Weight?
They say that successful businessesfill a gap that was missing at the time of opening Gyms In Allentown Pa. When I opened Industrial Athletics in 2013, I was trying to fill the gap of a safe CrossFit in the cityof Pittsburgh. I wanted to show the Pittsburgh community, and the CrossFitPittsburgh community, that there was a smart and safe way to do CrossFit thatwould actually make you stronger and able to handle harder challenges for alonger period of time. Click Here