
Increase Revenue Through Ads with Direct Response Call Center Outsourcing
Advertisementsprovide the surest way to promote one’s product/services. An advertising andmarketing strategy can be implemented via different mediums. Print, television,radio and online are some of the most popular modes to give your business aboost. But the problem arises when you do not have the necessary number of individualsmanning the phone stations when the call volume spikes. As it is the case withmost operations, investments in side processes like a call center are marginal.Therefore, an advertisement campaign does not get the backup it needs forbringing in the desired returns. So, if you truly want to make every pennyspent on advertisements count, then you need to switch to directresponse call center outsourcing.
Understandingthe Need for Direct Response Call Center
Directresponse call center can be used when you market or promote your brand via:
· Advertisements through print medium
· Commercials on television
· Social media advertisements
· Email marketing campaigns
· Advertisement via billboards and hoardings
· Promotions through distribution of brandedmerchandise and flyers
If youwant to extract the maximum value out of every penny spent in advertising, thenyou need to either start an in-house call center or employ direct responsecall center outsourcing services.
WhyDirect Response Call Center Outsourcing Makes Sense?
Directresponse call center services is the best business tacticfor the following reasons:
· No major capital investments
· No liability of managing the workforce
· No lack of focus from core operations
· Sharing of responsibility with the vendor
But yousimply cannot outsource your business to just about anyone. There are majorrepercussions of making a bad outsourcing decision. Have a look:
· Lack of data security: Avendor with nothing to lose won’t be as cautious about your data as someone whohas a reputation at stake. And, if the data is compromised, then your wholebusiness will be impacted beyond repair. To remain tension-free about datatheft, always delegate the call center responsibility to someone with a decentreputation in the market.
· Lack of scalability:According to the success and failure of your direct marketing campaign, theresponse you will get from potential clients will vary greatly. If you have toomany employees on your payroll, then you would have to pay a lot of extrasalaries without getting the desired work efficiency. And, if the number ofagents is less, then you would miss out on a lot of important enquires due tohigh call abandonment rate.
BestTips for Exploiting Direct Response Call Center Outsourcing Advantages
Thereare definite benefits of direct response call center outsourcing. Followthe tips below for exploiting these advantages:
Outsourceoffshore to a developing country
Thecost of living in the developed world is high and so is the costing of callcenters. In order to maximize outsourcing advantages, outsource to a companybased in a developing country. For example, a company in the US can outsourceto a company in India and decrease the cost of operation by up to 3 times quiteeasily. Such a reduction in cost does not come with any degradation in quality,especially if you partner with a good company like Callcentrsindia.
Employa liaison manager and outsource several processes if possible
Mostcompanies use callcenter outsourcing for different processes. So, when you select avendor for direct response call center services, you should also gaugetheir expertise in different domains. A versatile call center outsourcingcompany like callcentersindia can help you in improving the quality of yourtech support, customer care, helpdesk, order processing, catalog management,data entry, data mining and a whole lot of other important ITES operations.