
A material known as biofertilizer is made up of living microorganisms that aid in plant growth by increasing the availability of nutrients to the plant. It enhances soil nutrients or makes them physiologically available to plants when applied to seeds, soil, or plants. Because Biofertilizers are necessary for natural cultivation, the industry is expanding globally. Farmers frequently utilise nitrogen-fixing biofertilizers to grow a variety of high-demand crops, including wheat, rice, and soybeans.
These Biofertilizers can balance the soil's nitrogen content, promoting healthy plant growth.In order to increase crop output, biofertilizers are employed to improve soil fertility. The chemicals that include microorganisms aid soil in replenishing its depleted nutrients. The organic matter and nutrients needed by soil are provided by living microorganisms in biofertilizers, which are then assimilated by the crops. They are also a more affordable and effective substitute for inorganic chemical fertilisers, which are bad for the environment and for people's health.
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