Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers And Why You May Need It
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers And Why You May Need It
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment or HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room while in a chamber. This is used for decompression sickness. which is a danger in scuba diving.

Compressed air has been around for centuries. Humans have pushed the boundaries of this term and came up with a form of compressed air called hyperbaric oxygen chambers. This developed out of treating scuba diving athletes.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment or HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room while in a chamber. This is used for decompression sickness. which is a danger in scuba diving.

In a hyperbaric chamber, the air pressure is 2 or 3 times higher than normal air pressure. Under those conditions, your lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible by breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. Your blood carries oxygen throughout your body to help fight bacteria and this promotes healing. Known superstars who used this method in their recovery include LeBron James, Justin Bieber, and Madonna.

What To Know Before Receiving Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment:

You Can't Continue With Therapy If You Are Feeling Sick

If you are feeling like you may have a slight cold or the flu, then it is best not to go ahead with the therapy, as this may cause further damage.

During the therapy, it is important to clear your ears. If any sicknesses may come in the way of this stage, it may very well end up damaging your ears.

Avoid Certain Medications

There are some medications you aren't allowed to take when going through hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The oxygen you consume can change the content of these medications, making them very dangerous.

Consult your doctor or physician ahead of time to discuss what medications may put you at risk.

Give Up A Few Hours Of Your Time

This process may take a while to be completed depending on your condition. One session may last a little over 2 hours.

The standard schedule is 1 session a day for a week. If your treatment involves the healing of any wounds, then it may take up to 35-40 sessions to complete this process.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Benefits

  • Promotes intense healing after the consumption of pressurized oxygen.
  • Can treat serious infection and carbon monoxide poisoning. 
  • It treats wounds that in normal circumstances won't heal.

Potential Side Effects

  • You may feel tired and dizzy after the therapy because of the increased pressure and oxygen.
  • Pain in the ears is normal because of the slight fluid build you go through in the process
  • If you suffer from claustrophobia, then the oxygen chambers might make you feel anxious.
  • There is a possibility of blurred vision and numbness in the fingers.
  • In very rare cases, there is a potential risk for seizures or a collapsed lung. It is a nationwide rule to always have trained medical staff on site.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a sure-proof way to increase healing within your body. Although sleeping in such a device is not recommended, using it in short bursts shows massive healing results. Technology will continue to grow, and only time will tell how far they can push the healing boundaries.