
Hyperbaric Chamber treatments are used to treat a variety of conditions and ailments. They are pressurized cambers that deliver high levels of oxygen to the patients. The patients end up breathing air several times higher in pressure and oxygen content then average atmosphere levels. The enhanced concentrations increase blood flow and provide a variety of short- and long-term health benefits.
Treatments and Uses
Hyperbaric Chambers are often used in treatments where patients suffered a loss of blood flow or have difficulty breathing, along with other conditions that effect the levels of oxygen in the blood or inhibit the body’s ability to take in more oxygen.
Conditions such as decompression sickness, nitrogen poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning and hypoxia are examples where the red blood cells have been affected and the body needs more oxygen.
Anemia is a condition where body has a lack of red blood cells and is therefore limited in its ability to transfer oxygen around, this means hyperbaric chamber therapy can be particularly effective in easing the discomfit and treating anemia.
Embolisms or gas bubbles in the blood are extremely dangerous and are often successfully treated through hyperbaric chambers, where the bubbles would enter the blood stream and block arteries and obstruct blood flow, the increased pressure reduces the size of the bubbles and allows them to safely dissolve.
The pressure of the chamber and the concentration of oxygen can be altered allowing for different treatment intensities. While the hyperbaric chambers are often used in treatments to stabilize oxygen levels in the body, they are also used to send oxygen quickly into the body to treat specifically effected areas for different kinds of injuries such as burn victims and injuries involving skin grafts or risks of necrosis. The increased oxygen in the blood helps promote healing.
Many different countries require medical device licenses or similar to operate hyperbaric chambers along with a certified hyperbaric physician. On top of requiring specialized licenses and certified operators they are usually reserved for specialized clinics in hospitals or military and research facilities making access potentially limited by location.
Many people with chronic illnesses and injuries choose hyperbaric chambers as a longterm treatment alternative to prescription drugs and other options.
Hyperbaric Chamber therapy has become a popular solution for many athletes, celebrities and wealthy individuals however before it became popular it was researched for military, deep sea and similar applications.
Hyperbaric chambers should only be administered under the proper licensed facilities and under the supervision of qualified physicians. While irregular there are still possible hyperbaric chamber side effects and risks.
The high pressure can cause damage to the ear canals, the sinus, eyes and lungs or ‘sinus squeeze’.
The high levels of oxygen can cause oxygen toxicity seizures and difficulty breathing, it can also be a risk for blood sugar levels in diabetics and due to the small chambers those who suffer from claustrophobia may find treatments difficult.
Another risk associated with hyperbaric chamber treatment is tooth squeeze where air filled gaps in teeth are compressed leading to pain and even potential cracking.
These side effects are uncommon and qualified physicians screen patients and determine early on if they present any higher risks, minimizing any potential harm and ensuring patient safety to continue providing assistant and treatments.