
The solar energy market is one of the most rapidly expanding energy markets in the world. This means that more and more companies are trying to get their piece of it by offering products and services to clients all around the world. Getting in touch with them and keeping track of all their requirements can sometimes be tricky and this is why solar CRM solutions are used. But not any software is the best solar software for your business. Choosing the right one for your business takes time and research and the ability to fully understand what are the advantages of using such sales solutions.
What Is Solar CRM?
The easiest answer to this question is that solar CRM is the best thing to ever happen to the solar energy market since, well, ever. This is a piece of software specifically designed to help entrepreneurs reach as many clients as possible while taking care of all the hassle that a person has to go through in order to keep all of their information in order. This type of CRM solution helps the customer too, because it never forgets any piece of important information that might be transmitted by him to the contractor. Stuff like invoices, signed documents and approvals are all neatly stored in files corresponding to each lead or customer.
Solar CRM is designed to help people that sell solar energy solutions get in touch with potential customers and keep track of what they talk about and how the work is going. And it does just that. Most CRM solutions have several built-in features that help identify potential clients and pairs them up with a person on the sale steam that can help them with anything they need all the while gathering important information about said client during their conversation. Stuff like budgets, building permits and time tables are all updated in real time thanks to the CRM software.
But maybe the best feature of all, just like most CRM software, solar CRM lets contractors have everything they need in one little, organized place from where they can access anything from material inventories to workers schedules. They can even check how well a member of their team is doing and help them or gauge their performance. In a nutshell, this CRM software is an indispensable piece of software for any solar energy contractor.
Who Needs Solar CRM?
In today’s economy any business that wants to remain relevant should use a dedicated CRM software solution. This goes for the people in the solar energy market as well. Anybody that wants to stay ahead of their competition should find and implement a CRM solution in order to help them increase their market share. The idea behind this software is very simple: help you and your sales steam get in touch with as many potential clients as possible while gathering important information about them and process it without the risk of human error. Of course, you’re still in charge of every aspect of the call and the sale. The CRM is only here to help you manage them better. Think it as juggling 4 apples with an extra set of hands.
CRM software isn’t only helpful when it comes to managing your clients. Your team and valuable documents can also be handled from the comfort of your home or from in front of your laptop without having you leave the office. In times like these the old phrase “Time is money” is maybe even more true than when it was first spoken. CRM software understands this and lets you deal with important problems such as schedule conflicts or document signing in the fastest and safest way possible.
How Can the Best Solar Software Help You Increase Your Sales?
The biggest issue any energy contractor has is getting to a client before his competitor. In a liberated energy market anybody can buy and sell to anyone and getting to be the first that offers a client a deal can mean the difference between failure and success. Today having the best product or the best services or the smartest people on your sales team can mean nothing if you don’t have the means of getting through to your client in time. That can be done by using the best solar software on the market.
You can be sure that your competitor is using the best solar software in the market right at this moment, and why wouldn’t he? This software allows him to engage more leads quicker than before. This software is designed to boost your sale steam potential while giving them time to do the necessary research by taking care of all the paperwork and boring tasks they would be doing normally. This is why the best solar software is such a game changer when it comes to sales in the solar energy market.
But the best software does even more than just dial phone numbers really fast and gather information from a lead. It concentrates all of your apps into one place. The solar software is where you will find an integrated chat feature so you can stay in touch with other members of the team and even the clients, an e-mail indexer, so you can check your messages from all of your accounts in one place, and many more features that come in handy when working with tight deadlines.
What to Look For When Choosing the Best Solar Software?
There are a lot of software providers on the market today claiming to have the best solar software available, but in order for you to make the best decision as to which of them to choose, you should check and see if they have some, or all, of the following features:
• Customer Relationship Management – This feature lets you easily access any customer profile and check to see if the information is complete.
• Scheduling tools and calendars – Basic function needed in order to synchronize all of your team members.
• Project Management – This will help you see he progress of your projects in real time and help you deal with unforeseen situations that might occur.
• Budgeting tools – Any solar software that claims to be the best should have integrated budgeting capabilities in order for you to easily understand where your money is coming from, where is is going and how you can make more.
• Documents generator – This is a feature designed to impress clients both with the speed of response and with the personalized design available.
• eSignature – Being able to electronically sign a document becomes very important when time is short.
• Payments capabilities – Any software should be able to let you track invoices and bills and operate online payments.