
How to Use Google Voice Recorder App on Android
Google Voice Recorder is a new app introduced by Google forAndroids, which will help record the conversations or speeches in real-time.This technology will help users to use the voice recording functionality ofphones more efficiently. You can turn the recorded voice into a text even ifthere is no availability of the internet and can read later. This voicerecorder app has the capacity to transcript the sound automatically along withsuggesting titles automatically if you want to save the audio. You can domultitasking as it can make a difference between a speech and a piece of musicwhile working in the background and can quickly record the voice coming fromthe phone. It will enable you to share the audios and voice recordings overother apps and emails as you can upload the recordings to Google Drive. Thisapp will help you to increase your productivity by communicating the clients orby keeping the record of critical verbal contracts, agreements, and interviews,which is done by this app quickly. If you want to make new voice recordings,then the below-given steps would be much help for you:-
Making a newrecording
- Click on the Record button and then keep an eye on the recording process by going to the tab “Audio,” or you may also choose to click on the “Transcript” button.
- If you choose the option to click on the “Transcript” button, then it could record the voice in real-time as and when it takes place.
- If you want to save the voice recording, then choose the option of the “Select ” button. This option could also be used if you’re going to pause the recording temporarily or delete it.
- You should fill out a title to save the recording so you could recognize it later and used it accordingly.
Searching voicetranscriptions
You can easily search the voice transcriptions in this app as ithas a built-in advanced feature that will help you to explore the sounds,lyrics, songs, phrases, etc. as the locations of recordings are already savedalong with voice recordings. This feature lets you search for all therecordings that you made at a particular site. If you want to search voicetranscriptions, then go to the first search bar Which is at the top of all ofyour recordings, and you will find the text here. You can also choose the otheroption of using the search bar to see the text of that recording only.
Ways to manageyour voice recordings
You can manage your voice recordings in several ways at once ifyou want to share them or even delete them. You have to keep pressing the buttonwhile holding the one you want to manage and then click on them if you’re goingto include any piece of recording. If you want to delete any item them go tothe option of the Trash button and tap on it. You can share your recordingswith others quickly by just clicking on the share button. You will get theoption of Save to Google Drive and will be asked the location where you want tosave the transcriptions and recorded voices. When you choose the option to savethe recordings in Google drive, then it will remain saved there for your lateruse. It is noticeable that the text part of the record will be kept in plaintext with the extension of the TXT file, and the voice and music part willremain in the format of M4A. These recordings will further help you to remindof any meeting or contracts that you have done orally and get it recorded,which is of immense importance for your business along with improving thespeech recognition across the products of Google that use your voice.
Jay Cross is a trained expertwho works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it toexpectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writesfor his personal blog.
source : GoogleVoice Recorder App on Android