
Windows 10 error code 0xc00000f defines a Boot Configuration Data (BCD) problem. You will find this error message on your screen indicating with a couple of suggestions that your PC needs to be adjusted.
Here in Windows 10, you will find some promising options to troubleshoot Error Code 0x80070422. Checking and fixing your computer, repairing or fixing the boot configuration data, and making the system partition EFI are the main solutions for this particular concern.
Approaches to troubleshoot Error Code 0xc00000f in Windows 10
Both alternatives can correct the problem, so stick to each one carefully. Each of the methods is working so that anyone can allow their Windows to return to the standard state while keeping the information safe.
1: Remove Devices or USB link to PC
In normal situations, USB inserted into your PC or laptop interfaces can cause this problem. To, eject the USB or cables and reboot your PC and see if you're blessed.
2: Evaluate the Hard Drive
Before proceeding, make sure your hardware is not causing the problem for you. So run the chkdsk tool and first evaluate your hard drive.
Step 1: To get started, add the CD / DVD setup to power and drive on your computer. Select Repair at the bottom of your personal computer after setting terminology, keyboard, etc. suitable.
Step 2: Single installation drive for Windows, which can be C: \, and click Next.
Step 3: Using the following options, launch the command prompt after the System Recovery Options screen appears in perspective. Form and run the following command by pressing Enter-
Chkdsk C: / f
Let the procedure finish and see if there is any failure with your hard drive.
3: Repair your Computer from the Setup Wizard
Just using Repair Your PC is enough to fix error code 0xc00000f on many Windows 10 instances. To do this, make sure you have a valid bootable USB, flash drive, or CD / DVD device.
Step 1: Add the CD / DVD and choose Language from the various drop-down menus to configure, time and money format and keyboard input system, then press next.
Step 2: Choose in the setup wizard to repair your PC. Let the instrument repair the problem and determine if fewer errors are starting on your system.
4 - Repair your PC
If you have a bootable CD / DVD / Pen Drive / USB then it is ok differently, if it is not accessible then create one with the following manual:
Step 1: Put the USB-armed installation media / pen / DVD / CD drive into the DVD optical drive or interface.
Step 2: Update your PC and press F2 (main switch from PC to PC, you want to press F3 or F4, or Esc or Del). As soon as you have the BIOS screen, select Correct Boot Order.
Step 3: Put the title of your USB / pen / DVD / CD drive in the first collection of bootable devices, whatever it is.
Step 4: Press F10 to save the modified settings and restart your PC. Hopefully today you can reboot into Windows 10 using all installation media and fix error code 0xc00000f.
5 - Rebuild Boot Configuration Data
Windows contains the bootrec.exe instrument that is used to rebuild BCD. Once this is done, the boot configuration information successfully controls the boot procedure.
Step 1: Re-enter the actual bootable CD / DVD / Pen Drive / USB using Windows settings and start the PC. When the screen asks for a secret, press it to continue the startup procedure.
Step 2: Choose a language, keyboard, time, money and more, select next.
Step 3: Single the operating system you will need to fix and choose next. You are now in the recovery environment, so choose Quick Control.
Step 4: The black panel is found, so type bootrec.exe and press Enter. This will rebuild the configuration information for startup and then return your PC to normal.
When the solution doesn't work, delete the old BCD and rebuild it. To do this, run the following commands one by one:
• bcdedit / export C: \ BCD_Backup
• C:
• cd boot
• Attrib bcd ---- h --r
• ren c: \ boot \ bcd bcd.old
• bootrec / RebuildBcd
Let the controls do so you can reboot without the error.
6 - Repair Boot Configuration Data
This technique can allow you to unmask the information file for the boot configuration and its main partition. You can fix the BCD file for this procedure or build a new one from scratch.
This Windows 10 installation media is required on a requested USB / Pen / Flash drive with a FAT32 file system.
7: Produce an EFI Partition
If not available, you can produce a new EFI partition in just a couple of steps. This requires only Windows installation media and 200MB of free disk space.
To this end, follow Option 3 to create Windows 10 installation media and then boot from USB, then enter the black Command Prompt panel.
Finally, restart your PC and check. It should have been fixed today.
So these are the actual solutions in Windows 10 to fix error code 0xc00000f. The methods work quite well for Windows 8 too.