
Error code 48can show up when the system registry files get corrupted, the computer isinfected with viruses, and when device drivers are corrupted or outdated. It isvital for the computer users to get rid of error 48, in order to get theflawless user experience and ultimate performance. When there are essentialsystem files are damaged due to viruses or other user activates, it could alsotrigger the error 48. Sometimes it also happens due to incompatible hardwaredrivers and when your system unable to find and install the required devicedriver. If the device you are trying to connect comes up with some particulardrivers, then make sure to install all drivers provided by itsmanufacturer.
Solution 1: Initiate a Thorough Virus Scan
The approach inorder to resolve the error 48 is to clean up all viruses, malware, and infectedprograms that are affecting your system files and performance. Many malware cancause system errors, including error code 48, and in order to get rid of it,one has to remove the viruses from the device. You should always choose areliable and trustworthy security program whenever it comes to remove allharmful viruses from your equipment. To start a complete system scan, launchthe antivirus you have installed on your device. Then navigate to the Fullsystem scan option to start the scan. When the scan completes, make sure toremove all found infected files and programs. Once all threats are clear,reboot the device and see if the error persists.
Solution 2: Fix Error 48 via System Restore
System Restorecan turn your current computer state to the time when Error 49 wasn'tdeveloped. To restore your system to a previous point, please see theinstructions mentioned down here:
1. Log in via your admin account.
2. Head to the Start menu.
3. Search for System Restore and then select it from the results.
4. Once the System Restore window appears, head to the option saying,"Restore my computer to an earlier time."
5. Press on Next.
6. Choose a restore point located under "On this list, click arestore point," if possible, choose the latest one.
7. Head to Next.
8. Now press Next once more.
9. Wait till the restoration completes.
10. Reboot the device.
Solution 3: Remove the Driver and Install Again
Error code 48is a warning that appears when a device driver gets corrupted, outdated, orremoved. In order to fix it, make sure to remove the driver that is causingerror 48 and install it again. See the instructions given down here toreinstall the corrupted or missing device driver:
1. Head to Start menu by pressing the Windows logo key.
2. Now type Device Manager.
3. Right-click on the icon of it.
4. Choose the option saying Run as administrator.
5. Now located and select the driver that is causing issues.
6. Open the Driver option.
7. Head to the Update Driver button.
8. Update or reinstall the driver using the onscreen instructions.
9. Reboot the device to experience the changes.
MathewAnderson is a Microsoft Office expertand has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technicalexpert, Mathew has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviewsfor many websites such as
source : SolveError Code 48