
Many people are finding ways to take care of their skin to reverse their aging process. Learning how to reverse aging can help the overall health of your skin as well as increase confidence in your appearance. There are some very simple, everyday routines you can do in order to slow the aging of your skin. And there are even some high-tech methods that are becoming more popular as research proves their effectiveness. Continue reading to learn how to reverse aging and help protect your skin.
Wear Sunscreen
The most simple and effective way to slow the aging process is to protect your skin at all times from the sun. Most signs of aging come from continued exposure to the sun, so keeping out of it will help slow that process down. Dermatologists recommend wearing 30 SPF sunscreen when you go out even for just running errands. To be extra careful you can also use one that protects against ultraviolet light as well.
Healthy Lifestyle
How to slow aging? Eat well and exercise! You have heard it before but it is worth repeating, as a healthy diet and exercise routine can impact the health of your skin. Science has shown that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables such as leafy greens and berries can help the skin, while diets full of carbohydrates and sugars do the opposite. Moderate exercise also helps boost blood circulation and your immune system, which in turn prompt a youthful appearance.
Limit Alcohol and Smoking
Alcohol and smoking are well known to not be the healthiest activities, but they can be particularly damaging to your skin. Smoking can make your skin dull and can increase your wrinkles as the nicotine in tobacco shrinks blood vessels and keeps blood and nutrients from reaching the skin. While alcohol can dry out and damage the skin over time, which and can make you appear older.
Oxygen and aging
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment, also called HBOT, have growing support from the medical community as an antiaging treatment option. An HBOT includes sitting in a pressurized room that is highly concentrated with oxygen. This influx of oxygen into your system can have a lot of benefits for all types of illnesses.
Evidence has shown that the hyperbaric chamber can be anti-aging. A study from Tel Aviv University and the Shamir Medical Center in Israel states that the adults' blood cells actually grow younger as the treatment progress. The pressure chamber can reverse two major processes associated with aging and its illnesses. First is the shortening of telomeres, which are the protective caps on the ends of each of our chromosomes. And it helps break down the accumulation of old and malfunctioning cells in the body. It is also a painless procedure that doesn't include needles or chemicals such as botox treatments
There are many things you can do to help reverse aging within your skin. Protecting your face from the sun at all times and maintaining a healthy skin routine can be instrumental in keeping the elasticity of your skin. And if you are looking for a bigger way to rejuvenate your skin, hyperbaric oxygen treatment could be a great option for you!