
This time takes time too, but not with simple scripts that are easy to use. With this instruction, you can install WordPress in minutes.
Although these instructions for simple scripts, other installation services, such as Fantastico, are similar in functions. This service is sometimes called one click. Maybe one click to install it but there are a few steps to get there.
Enter your cPanel.
When you register with your web host, you are given a special domain name. This domain name allows you to enter your control panel. Most web hosts offer cPanel as their control panels. After entering the scroll down to the software/service. You have to see a simple script button
From a simple script screen
You will see all the different scripts available for your web host for you. It's broken into several categories so you get an idea of what they do. Because they are in alphabetical order you want the second category, blog, then select WordPress.
From the WordPress screen
This screen tells you more about the program and says what version number is today. Below you can click on an external link to learn more about WordPress. Then scroll down and click Install. Note that it means receiving a simple service script.
Install the screen
You can choose the WordPress version you want to use. Select the latest stable version. If you have several domain names with a web host, you will have several choices from the drop-down menu. Select the domain name you want. You can also add it to the directory that follows "/" after your domain name.
Advanced options
You want this box to be displayed. Here you can name your website, this is usually your domain name with spaces and capitalization or you can call it as desired. The next bit is very important, you can create a username and random administrative password or make it yourself. Do not use admin for usernames, this is relatively easy for hackers to be found. You also want to make sure your password contains a mixture of characters. You will want it. Make sure "automatically creates a new database" checked.
The last step
Read legal information and check to agree, then press the full key. You will immediately get an email to the address you are using with your web host. This will include username information and password but write it is a good backup plan. Now your WordPress website is ready and waiting for you. You can get to know about Protect Images and Wix vs WordPress via visiting online.