
KMODE Exception not handled error message is one of the Bluescreen error on Windows 10 that it changes the whole display of yourcomputer with a blue screen displaying the main error message and descriptionabout it. With the error code appearing on the blue screen, one can easily seewhat issue is going on in your system. The KMODE_Exception_Not_Handled is alsoone of such blue screen error message that signifies a system problem.
This message error generally teases about the STOP error ofyour equipment that makes your device unstable, and it may randomly restart orshut down. The Stop term in the error message indicates that an issue handlerhas failed in holding an exception made from the Kernel application. It doesalso mean that your computer is facing some driver related issues.
There are plenty of other reasons for the issues, and it is notrestricted to the missing or faulty system drivers. So let's figure it outworking and practical fix for the KMODE Exception Not Handled error message onWindows 10. Let's get started.
Solutions to KMODE Exception Not Handled on Windows 10
Step 1: Navigate to the Safe Mode
First of all whenever you see the blue-screen error, whether itbe the KMODE exception error, the first should be heading to the Safe Mode.
Step 2: Updating the System Drivers
1. Make sure to press the Start+ X buttons together at once on your keyboard. Now choose the Device Managerutility.
2. Head to Otherdevices option by double-clicking it.
3. You might see an Unknowndevice placed beneath it with displaying a yellow caution warning. Make sure topress the right click on the drivers that are displaying yellow caution mark.=
4. Head to Search automaticallyfor updated driver software.
5. The installation or theupdating process will begin and let it take its time to get done once thedrivers with yellow caution are updated and resolved, restart the system andcheck if any driver still showing the yellow caution.
Deactivate Faulty Drivers
The next solution is to find out the drivers that are causingthe KMODE Exception Not Handled issues on your Windows 10 PC. To identify thecorrupted or outdated drivers, make sure to open Driver Verifier, abuilt-in Windows utility.
1. Write down the"verifier" in the dialogue box of Cortana.
2. Press on the appropriateresult.
3. You may be asked by thesystem for confirmation, so allow it to proceed.
4. The Driver Verifier Managerwindow would appear.
5. Now you will see severalround cells displaying a description of theirfunction. Tap on Create standard settings.
6. Once the Create standardsettings option is selected, tap on the Next link.
7. Press on Automatically selectall drivers installed on this computer option.
8. Head to the Finish button.
9. now you will be asked torestart the computer so press ok.
10. Now on the system startup,you will see the list of your computer drivers. If there is any faulty ordamaged driver, there is a BSOD option located beside them to disable them.
11. Now disable all drivers using the same way.
12. To disable the faulty driversmake sure to recognize this list. And then once the computer turns on, openDevice Manager to deactivate them.
13. Once the driver is disabledor removed, make sure to reinstall or update it with recommendedsettings.
Mathew Anderson is a self-professed security expert; hehas been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is towrite about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internetand new media. He writes for Norton security products at
source : TabletopGame of Batman