
Here’s How to Find a P-Value with Excel
• T-Test Function
1. Start creating and filling the table.
2. Press on the Cell located on the outer of the table.
3. Enter: =T.Test( in the table.
4. Once you have opened the bracket, enter in the first column.
5. Make sure that the range is in B2:B6.
6. The function resembles a T.Test(B2:B6.
7. Now, move to the second column.
8. The range of the second column should be C2:C6.
9. Start adding it into the formula: T.Test(B2:B6,C2:C6.
10. Enter in the comma once the second column start showing in the pull-down list.
11. Select the first one and click twice on it.
12. Enter any other comma.
13. Click twice on the Paired button located in the pull-down list.
14. After getting all the elements of which you have a requirement, exit the bracket.
15. The formula resembles a T.Test(B2:B6,C2:C6,1,1)
16. After that, click on the Enter option.
17. Now, the cell starts showing the p-value instantly on Microsoft Excel.
18. In case you choose the p-value greater than 5%, then it will not offer strong evidence.
• Data Analysis Tool
1. In the D section, you will get the weight differences.
2. But you need to skip the difference calculation.
3. For the further tables, start using the given formula: =”Cell 1”-“Cell 2”.
4. After that, press on the Data option located in the Main window.
5. Choose the Data Analysis tool.
6. Go down to the menu list.
7. Press on the t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means button.
8. Press on the Ok option.
9. Now, you will get the context menu on the screen.
10. Type the first range just like B3:7.
11. Type the second range just like C3:C7.
12. You don’t have to do anything with the default value.
13. Press on the Output Range radio option.
14. Select where you wish to show the result.
15. In case it is A6 cell, then enter $A$6.
16. Press on the Ok button.
Here are some of the most important things that you should remember
• In case the p-value in Microsoft Excel is equal to 0.05, then the data located in the table is significant.
• In case the p-value in Excel is less than 0.05, then the data provided in the table is insignificant.
• In case the range is between 0.05 and 0.10, then the data is a little bit significant.
• Start changing the alpha value by using the options 0.05 and 0.10.
• If you select two-tailed testing, then this will be a great choice.
• The p-value is not able to find the variables.
Davis Johnson is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Davis has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as